2014 Developer Education Book Campaign


Motion was adopted as proposed.


  1. Purchase and distribute a programming book to 6 of the top 10 Inkscape code contributors for the past 12 months, as calculated by Ohloh.net: http://www.ohloh.net/p/inkscape/contributors?query=&sort=commits_12_mo http://www.ohloh.net/p/lib2geom/contributors?query=&sort=commits_12_mo (sum of Inkscape and lib2geom) The gift receivers will be picked randomly, where their commit count indicates their relative win chance, using this website: http://www.sci.fi/~kajun/lottery/weighted.html

Board members are excluded. So the draw will be among the top 10 not counting board members.

  1. The contributors can choose any programming book they like, but we suggest taking a look at the C++ list here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list

  2. The campaign proposer (Johan Engelen, or their designee) will be empowered to officially announce and introduce the campaign to the larger community. The announcement shall include a brief text explaining that we also greatly appreciate the non-C++ contributions, but need input from the community on how to select who to give a gift to.

  3. The board chairperson (or their designee) will be empowered to

  1. Identify the qualified contributors as per (1), ii) Contact the qualified book recipients to collect their address and choice of book from (2), iii) Purchase and disseminiate the books to the provided addresses, iv) Collect reimbursement from SFC for expenses incurred.
  1. If a recipient does not respond within a week, or chooses to pass on receiving a book, the next person in the list will receive it.


The rational is the same as the 2013 campaign. Give a “thank you” present to our contributors and enhance their programming knowledge.

I think the campaign last year was a big success. The only complaint was that the choice of books was too limited. I think it is good to limit the choice, because (and stackoverflow agrees) there are a ton of very bad books out there. I chose to go with stackoverflow’s list, to not be restricted by our own limited knowledge. Total cost will be something like 6 x 50 = 300 USD.

Let’s use the same ranking mechanism, but include the count of lib2geom too. I can agree with the list as it is now, note that Ohloh also counts merged-in branches. For next time, we’ll need a different metric to thwart gaming the system.

Hope we can send the books before the start of the holiday season.




As mentioned by Johan Engelen last week, the Inkscape Board is sending programming books to Inkscape contributors, both as a way to enhance our community’s programming know-how and as a thank you for your ongoing work to the project. You’ve been identified as one of the recipients due to your work in 2013, so congratulations and thank you!

To send you the book, I need to know:

  1. Your shipping address

  2. Your book preference:

    1. Effective C++, 3rd Ed. by Scott Meyers
    2. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler
    3. A Tour of C++ (C++11) by Bjarne Stroustrup

Please respond by . If I don’t hear from you by then, I’ll assume you’re passing on the offer and it should go to the next developer on the list. Otherwise, please expect to receive the book by mid- to late- February.



Hello all,

In an effort to give back to our developers, I hereby present to you the Developer Education Book Campaign 2014 !

We’d like to give an educational present to our most active contributors. The board has decided to buy a programming book for each of the top 10 contributors of 2013! The ranking is determined by the number of commits to trunk in the past 12 months, as calculated by Ohloh.net [1] [2]:

Kris de Gussem Alex Valavanis Markus Engel Matthew Petroff Nicolas Dufour Martin Owens Tavmjong Bah Krzysztof Kosiński Sebastian Wüst Alvin Penner

Thank you very much for your great work in 2013!!!

These 2013 rockstars can choose from one of the following books: a) Effective C++, 3rd Ed. by Scott Meyers b) Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler c) A Tour of C++ (C++11) by Bjarne Stroustrup

The developer is also allowed to pass it on to the runner-up if he so wishes. Because I initiated the book campaign, I will pass (don’t worry, I’ve already ordered my book ;).

So now you might think: wait a minute…, these coders get a book on how to program… are they that bad? They are not bad; they could be even better! We all can improve our coding, and there is no shame at all in reading up and refreshing our coding skills. Every day I am reading Stroustrup’s C++11 tome in the train to work, no joke!

I hope you all will enjoy your present, and can perhaps share with us the best things you’ve learned :-)

Cheers to a good start in 2014! Johan

All books have been ordered as last week. Recipients in the US should be receiving their books now. Canadians should receive books over the coming week. European residents should be receving the books within a month. If you provided me with an address and do not receive a book within these time frames, please let me know.

Let me add to Johan’s thanks a thank-you out to everyone who has donated to Inkscape. Your funding has made this educational effort possible. If in the coming months and years you find Inkscape to be more robust, responsive, and performant, the credit could indeed originate from your contribution to the project.


Website Blurb

Developer Education Book Campaign 2013

We’d like to give an educational present to our most active contributors. The board has decided to buy a programming book for each of the top 10 contributors of 2013!

The books were ordered Feb 20 and should reach developers by the end of March at the lasted.

Thank-you to everyone who has donated to Inkscape in the past. Your funding has made this educational effort possible. If in the coming months and years you find Inkscape to be more robust, responsive, and performant, the credit could indeed originate from your contribution to the project.