2017 Paris Hackfest



We have an offer of free space for a Paris hackfest for June 27th-July 1st at the Carrefour Numérique² fablab (at the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie). Nine Inkscapers have expressed interest in attending. I would like to have a vote on proceeding with this hackfest. Here the proposed vote text:

Your vote is needed on the planned Inkscape Hackfest in Paris, France.

  1. Sponsor a hackfest in Paris, France, for June 27th - July 1st.

    Total cost estimate for 9 people is roughly $13k. (Refer to attached proposal document for details)

  1. Reimburse using a ranked system similar to 2015/2016 hackfests.
  1. The Inkscape Board sponsors a dinner event, to be funded from the Inkscape general fund (instead of the hackfest fund), for Hackfest attendees and guests.


1. 2. 3. 4.
Bryce Harrington
Josh Andler
Tavmjong Bah
Jon A. Cruz
Ted Gould
Krzysztof Kosiński
Martin Owens


Past hackfests have provided excellent opportunities for Inkscape developers to meet in person, discuss the project and coordinate work on bug-fixing, feature planning, and other efforts. In the past we’ve also sought to align the location and time of the event with conferences or groups in the area to permit external collaborations as well. Our experience so far seems to show that we’re getting far more tangible benefit out of the internal interactions than the external ones.

Thus, this event will focus more sharply on the hackfest itself, giving us much greater flexibility for time and location.

Tavmjong Bah has volunteered as event coordinator for the hackfest event (with help from Marc).