Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

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Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby SureWhyNot » Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:16 pm

Mirrored node movement:
1. Select a node in a path of 2 or more nodes
2. Press 'Mirror Node Movement' button
3. Select another node in the same path
4. Now when one node is moved the other node also moves, but in the opposite direction.
5. End mirror behavior by selecting either node and clicking the button again.

This is useful for quickly editing shapes that need to be symmetrical (well duh, I guess).

**Perhaps you could select groups of nodes as well. (With a check that makes sure you're not putting a node in both groups. :geek: )

Relative Positioning
1. Select a node (or group of nodes) or object
2. Press Relative Position button
3. Select another node, path, object, guide, etc
4. The user is prompted to put in a value (positive or negative) for how far X and Y the first node should be from whatever was selected second.

**Do I have to point out how awesome this would be? 8-)**

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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby microUgly » Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:18 pm

Sounds complicated.

At what angle is the mirror? Verticle, horizontal or 180° to the movement?

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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby SureWhyNot » Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:15 pm

It depends on which way you move the node. It's not based on a line of symmetry. It would be like, you move a node x pixels left, so the other node moves x pixels right (or -x pixels left :geek:)

Here's a little example (note: the user is only dragging one of the nodes)


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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby EarlyBlake » Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:09 pm

It's like :tool_tweak: but symmetric and only for two nodes at a time?

I'd love a node mirror function for keeping a path symmetric.

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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby Simarilius » Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:24 am

For just creating symmetric stuff you can cheat:
http://simarilius.wordpress.com/2006/08 ... -the-wall/
the comment suggesting making the group a layer is a very good idea...

Or you can download SVN and use the mirror symmetry LPE

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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby EarlyBlake » Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:03 am

That is a nice tutorial, but what I'm looking for is a single closed symmetric path. A close path that I can tweak a little down the line without having cutting in half again and mirror again.

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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby prkos » Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:12 am

Check out the latest dev build, there is a great new LPE Mirror symmetry :D
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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby heathenx » Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:08 pm

...and in the devel builds don't forget about the shift+ctrl+f6 to expose some hidden tools...one being mirror. ;)

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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby openmind » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:30 am

Whats the "'Mirror Node Movement' button"?
Openmind vector Agency.
Thank-s Firefox


Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby archit3kt » Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:02 pm

I was thinking about something similar, but in other way. In Blender, when you edit an object, you can select multiple points and for example scale them. Then the selected part of object is scaled, and if you want to make it wide, you just order to scale it on X axis and then it works like the 'Mirror Node Movement' idea. You can also rotate or move the group of points. In Inkscape it could look like a bounding box in :tool_selector: mode, but not with entire object inside, but with the selected points in :tool_node: mode. Then you scale it vertically with Shift pressed and it looks like mirror and there are also many other possibilities then. Image Image


Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby archit3kt » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:56 am


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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby razmikb » Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:06 am

'Mirror Node Movement' can't find this button :/

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Re: Mirrored node movement and definite-relative positioning

Postby brynn » Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:44 am

I'm not sure that feature is still available. If it is, it will be in the development version (and not in the stable version). However, I have not heard it mentioned since the last reply in this topic, and guess it was never fully developed. All I could find was this paragraph in the wiki, which is as old at this topic: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php ... r_Symmetry

(Also note this topic is in the board called Inkscape Ideas.)

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