Automatic Chart Maker

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Automatic Chart Maker

Postby ademalsasa » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:56 am

Hello, it is my first post here. How if Inkscape has internal chart maker? So we just type 40% and it creates pie chart red 40& and blue 60% instantly? I think this feature exist in another apps, but I don't know persistenly :) Thank you...

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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby brynn » Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:41 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Oh yes, that would make for a very nice extension :D Actually I wouldn't be surprised it if doesn't already exist somewhere. But I haven't seen one.

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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby ragstian » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:28 pm


Something similar exists;

You have to get the data from a comma separated value file (CSV).
Extension shows up in; Extensions - Render - Nicechart

Manual way of doing the same thing:

Good Luck!
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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby brynn » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:06 am

Awesome! But I don't have that extension in 0.48.4. And it's not clear (to me) from the Launchpad page (referenced in the ref link you gave) exactly how to get it.

Well, don't bother explaining just for me. But if ademalsasa doesn't understand either, we both might need some help :D

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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby rich2005 » Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:53 am

Nice one, bar and pie charts.

These git pages are confusing, but eventually you get here ... thub/files

Then the download link is the little icon on the extreme right against the file name


The only snag was with the one highlighted, it insists on downloading with a .html suffix and needs renaming to .inx. The .py files were ok. This is a little linux netbook, so maybe thats the reason...

Other notes: look in the .py file, a couple of lines to uncomment if required.

a quick test

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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby brynn » Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:57 am

Well, I did see the tar.gz file there. But probably the average Windows user doesn't know how to handle a tar.gz file. I read how to use it a little while ago, but I can't remember what it was, now :roll:

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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby ragstian » Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:42 pm

Hi brynn

The "installation" of this extension can be a little "overwhelming" for most of us.
I will try to walk you through it as the result might well be wort it.

Navigate to the web page rich2005 referred to:
On the right hand side of this page are four small green "downarrows".
Click the upper one, depending on your browser setting you might be prompted to save this file,
save it to the C:\Programs\Inkscape\Share\Extensions folder. Your Inkscape Program folder might be different depending on where Inkscape is installed.
If your browser just saved the file without prompting for a save location you will most likely find it in the "Downloads" folder under "My Documents".
You then have to manually copy it to the Inkscape\Share\Extension folder.

Do the same for the two next files in the list. ( and

If you managed to get get the files saved to the right location you will find the NicheChart extension in Inkscape under Extensions - Render.
Inkscape will have to be "restarted" - Close and Open - (No need to restart machine!) if it was open during the copying of the files to
the extension folder as the content of this folder is "read" at Inkscape start.)

Some sample data that can be used for testing:

Cut CTRL + C the "blue" text.
paste CTRL + V it in your favorite editor (Notepad, Textpad, Notepad++ etc)
Save it as population.csv
(In some cases Notepad adds ".txt" to the file name, this can be deleted from the explorer by clicking on the file (once) and then press F2 (rename) ).

Open Inkscape and go to Extensions - Render - NiceChars
Enter the location of the file just saved and set delimiter to : (Colon) like this;


Press Apply and you will hopefully get :


Good Luck
Good Luck!
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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby brynn » Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:02 pm

Well, once I get to INX and PY files, I kind of know what to do (just learned the other day). But the referenced topic from your first reply contains this link:, and the only things I can find to download on that page are tar.gz files. How did you get from the Launchpad page to the GitHub page?

And so once you get there, and you get it downloaded and installed properly, you have to have a CSV file to use it properly. So you have given us some data for a test CSV file. So assuming that's correct, I understand.

Is it not possible to use this extension without having a CSV file? Or, your screenshot shows a Direct Input tab. I'll investigate that after I get it DL'd and "installed" :D

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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby ragstian » Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:06 am

Hi brynn

Sorry for confusing you about the location of the NiceChart extension files.
When I first responded on this thread I found the extension on launchpad but as "rich2005" later pointed us to github I assumed those files were newer.

If you followed my first link you will have to download the tar.gz file.
Tar and gz files are from the unix/linux world, and are really a way to back up and compress files.
For windows users the easiest way to "un-compress" (deflate?) the gz file and later unpack the
tar (tape archive) file is to use the program 7zip, 7zip is free and handles regular zip files as well.
(For a tar.gz file un-compress is a two step operation, using 7zip twice, first unzip the gz file to get you a tar file, then unpack the tar file to files.)

The NiceChart extension accepts direct input as well through the Direct Input Tab, for small data sets
like my example this is one way of doing things, the data will have to be entered "comma separated" like this;


Hope this helps, again sorry for the "mess" I made.

Last edited by ragstian on Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Good Luck!
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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby brynn » Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:18 am

ragstian wrote:Tar and gz files are from the unix/linux world, and are really a way to back up and compress files.
For windows users the easiest way to "un-compress" (deflate?) the gz file and later unpack the
tar (tape archive) file is to use the program 7zip, 7zip is free and handles regular zip files as well.
(For a tar.gz file un-compress is a two step operation, using 7zip twice, first unzip the gz file to get you a tar file, then unpack the tar file to files.)

Oooohh ok, I will try, try, try to remember that!

Well, no worries! I wouldn't call it exactly a mess....actually it's the first "unmess" I've seen. I couldn't tell you how many times I've come up against this tar.gz as the final answer to a question, and despite me asking, no further explanation is forthcoming. It seems that after a certain point, many people who are either professionals, or have professional skills, seem to be reluctant to explain things to those who are trying to improve their skills. ....Well, at least this is my experience on public forums. I think I might have better luck approaching pros via IRC. The problem with that is that I type quite slowly, and can't keep up with a discussion. "hello, are you there" "where did you go" By the time I have a response ready to go, they've either asked another question, which I then have to answer as well, or they've just moved on. It's a wonderful mechanism for busy pros, but it leaves those with even minor physical issues out in the cold. So that's why I prefer the bb style forum.

(To be fair, I think someone had explained part of that to me some time ago. But I had forgotten. So apologies to whoever that was :oops: )

And thank you very much Ragnar :D

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Re: Automatic Chart Maker

Postby ademalsasa » Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:44 pm

I am sorry, Forums. I forgot that I ever had written a post in here at 2013. And now at 2015 I come back because of my friend's (Prima Yogi Loviniltra) post in facebook[1].

NiceChart is a very good approach. I will try it soon. Hope it will be Inkscape built-in default feature in 1.0. Thank you.

[1] ... omments=14

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