beginner programming?

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beginner programming?

Postby brynn » Sun May 06, 2012 12:32 pm

Hi Friends,
I've been thinking about college (over 30 years ago) when we were required to take one course in computer programming (because they told us "computers are the future", lol). I can't even remember the name of the language I learned back then (might have been PL1???), but I do remember enjoying it quite a bit. Earlier today someone posted a message asking for a script to automate the finding and replacing of objects in an Inkscape document. I already understand, in general, how such a script would work, and I could probably learn how to write it fairly quickly. But I don't know what script/programming language that I need to search for, to find instructions/lessons.

I've been looking at the Developer Documentation section of the Inkscape wiki, and made a start learning some basics. Maybe someday I will learn enough to contribute on the developer level. But I was thinking that learning how to write a script might be a good place to start.

I'm wondering if anyone has any comments or suggestions?
Thanks for your help :D

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Re: beginner programming?

Postby ofnuts » Mon May 07, 2012 8:50 am

AFAIK Inkscape scripts are written in Python. And once you get over Python's pickyness over source code indentation (using the appopiate code editors will help), it is one of the best programming langage around for beginners, because you don't need to know much to write your first useful piece of code and you can discover the useful languages features little by little.

Plus, in the Linux & OpenSource world, it is used all over the place...
Last edited by ofnuts on Mon May 07, 2012 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: beginner programming?

Postby brynn » Mon May 07, 2012 4:23 pm

Oh awewome!
Thank you ofnuts :D

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