template for fliers

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template for fliers

Postby danilo108 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:58 pm

Hi to every one, I tried to do it long time ago but there weren't all the tools that today we have.
My idea starts from a need:

I'm part of an organization that spread sahaja yoga techniques every where in the world for free. In some place we have very good graphic designer and in other we don't. I would like to replace the text in a document keeping the layout as it is. The graphic designer should define some variables and changing the values of this variable in a simple form I would like to obtain a new document. Is it already possible?
When I tried I noticed that illustrator split the text in a strange way so make very hard to replace the text.
If you can tell me something about please let me know.

Kind regards

Danilo Scuderoni

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Re: template for fliers

Postby brynn » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:57 pm

Welcome Danilo!

I'm not entirely clear what you're asking. Do need info about how to create such a template as you describe? Or are you looking for a professional graphic artist to create such a template for you?

I'm not familiar with Illustrator (except by reputation) so I don't know what you mean about the text being split. You'll have to be much more specific about what you need and what Illustrator doesn't do, before we can say whether Inkscape can do it.

In general, what I gather from your brief description, is that you need a template stored on your computer. And whenever you need a flier for your organization, you can open the template, and enter the info that's relevant at that particular time. If that's the case, then in general, Inkscape can certainly do it. And for that matter, I don't see why Illustrator couldn't do it either. So again, more details will be needed, before we can be certain.

However, by your description, you would not necessarily need such a powerful graphics program as Inkscape or Illustrator. Windows' programs such as MS Works or MS Office contain flier templates like you describe, already in existance. (And they have for many years, it's nothing new.) I'm sure Macs also have similar programs. And you should also be able to find such templates in printing programs such as Print Shop, and similar types of programs. I think you can probably even find them available online. Just google "flier templates" and I'm sure you're find plenty of them. I just saw a television commercial for such a site the other day....although I'm sorry to say that I don't remember the name of it. If I see it again in the next couple of days, I'll post it for you.

So I guess what we need is much more detailed info about why you need to use Inkscape (or Illustrator) for this :D

PS -- Also you can find this kind of template in desktop publishing programs.

PS again -- Are you Italian, by chance? There's an Inkscape forum in Italian language, which might be easier for you to communicate technical terminology. Not trying to get rid of you, but just make things easier, if possible. http://www.inkscapeforum.it/

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