Unable to export bitmap.

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Unable to export bitmap.

Postby typeorange » Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:22 am

Inkscape seems to just ignore the "Export Bitmap" command. I've tried selecting it from the menu and the keyboard shortcut. As far as I can tell, it does nothing. No dialogue box, no error, no change in the window, nothing.

I've been struggling to get some artwork I did in Inkscape to import into Scribus. No matter which format (.svg, .eps, .ps, .pdf, etc.) I use, Scribus refuses to something sane with the file. The original artwork has a clipping path in it, so typically importing the file just includes the full design: ignoring the clipping path. Sometimes Scribus will do werd things with scaling, too. In fairness, this seems to be Scribus' problem.

Nevertheless, I'm just trying to hack something together quickly, and Inkscape won't let me just export to bitmap so I can force Scribus to just do the correct thing with my artwork.

Any idea why Inkscape would just ignore a request to Export Bitmap?

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Re: Unable to export bitmap.

Postby Lazur » Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:36 am


My guessing it is a performance issue -your file may be too complex.
You could try the vacuum defs option in the file menu, and saving a copy to plain svg.
And try the pre 0.91 release, which is supposedly more relyable by the 64bit system support.
If none of these work, maybe exporting from command line would.

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Re: Unable to export bitmap.

Postby typeorange » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:14 am

Thanks. The file is not complex, at least to me, and I'm not an artist. It's maybe 20 identical paths that are rotated around one axis for a little radial design. Can't imagine that's too much?

1. Saving to plain .svg had no effect
2. Vacuum Defs had no effect
3. I'm running this on mac, which appears to only have a 0.48 release.
4. I don't know how to use the command-line tools for Inkscape - but that seems like a promising avenue for a file-conversion problem.

The whole thing I'm using this for is a total hack, so if there's some kind of workaround to export a bitmap (especially one with alpha channels) from Inkscape to Scribus, that would solve my problem.

Either that or a format where Scribus will recognize and respect clipping paths in a vector file format?

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Re: Unable to export bitmap.

Postby ~suv » Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:05 am

typeorange wrote:3. I'm running this on mac, (…)
Likely the dialog opens off-screen (in-between Spaces). If you use a multi-monitor setup, unplugging the second monitor, or turning off "Displays have separate spaces" in Mission Control might help. See also
typeorange wrote:(…) which appears to only have a 0.48 release.
When did you last time visit inkscape.org ;-) ?
(Using pre-release version Inkscape 0.91pre3 or unstable development builds won't help with the XQuartz issue and multiple monitor setups though).

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Re: Unable to export bitmap.

Postby brynn » Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:20 pm

Aargh -- thought I posted here.

If your version has the Export Bitmap undocked, and you minimized it, with some older versions, the minimized dialog could show up as a small title bar over the Style Indicator area (bottom, left area). Just need to restore back up.

But I'm with Lazur too, about the size of the image. If it's large enough to challenge you system (mostly ram), it might not open. Although usually it would be followed by a crash, rather than just nothing happening. (at least in my experience)

And of course, ~suv is the Mac expert :D

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