Rotation + Duplicate

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Rotation + Duplicate

Postby meepmeep » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:42 pm

I'm french and my English is not very goog so I used Google trad to write my question (sorry) :

I wanted to make 12 ticks of a clock. For this, I wanted to make a multiple copy of the first graduation with a rotation. I saw (Top

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Re: Rotation + Duplicate

Postby ragstian » Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:15 am


This is already in place in Inkscape.

a. Draw the tickmark,
b. select the tickmark (F1)
c. Show the rotation center (Shift S)
d .Drag the rotation center straight down (hold the ctrl key down while dragging to "lock" the movement.)

e. Click the tickmark,
f. Make a duplicate (Ctrl D), click the duplicate until you get the rotation mark,
g. Press ctrl and rotate the tickmark around the new center, It will snap every 15 degrees, you can change the number in the preferences

Repeat step f and g to get the rest of the tickmarks.

When you get the hang of this you can use tiled clone to make all the tickmarks in one go.

Have fun.
Good Luck!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Re: Rotation + Duplicate

Postby meepmeep » Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:53 am

Thanks, but we have to do this manualy, spet by step...
In some softwares I used, in the rotation tool, you can chose the degre and it's possible to check a box named "occurences" and an other box named "number".
It's very easy to use.
This option is also avalable in translation tool...
Anyway, your solution works !
Thanks for your answer.

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Re: Rotation + Duplicate

Postby Lazur » Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:00 am

After d.), you can make tiled clones.

P1 symmetry,
1 row, 12 column,
-100% x offset on columns,
30° rotation for columns.

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Re: Rotation + Duplicate

Postby meepmeep » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:33 pm

Hi, yes, I used this method !
I just thought that a option in the rotation tool could be simpler, but there are other way to get to what I want.
Thank you anyway for your help !

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