Creating objects from intersecting lines

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Creating objects from intersecting lines

Postby cocoruby » Sun Sep 08, 2019 6:28 am


I am trying to create objects from intersecting lines and a circle.
I found a way on this thread : viewtopic.php?t=523 and succeeded with a small test.

But on another one it does not work.

Just to explain :
I have got three horizontal curved lines and three vertical curved lines i combine together, and then I do a division with the circle they are in so that I can get 16 objects I can work with. This is attachment OK.png

But my other try, wich is for me exactly the same, it doe not work. When I divide, I obtain something totally weird. This attachment KO.png.

I attach the SVG file (test.svg) with both working (the small circle) and not working (the big one) examples.

Could someone explain me where is the difference between them ?

Thank you in advance.
(6.25 KiB) Downloaded 59 times
OK.png (9.79 KiB) Viewed 1247 times
KO.png (6.75 KiB) Viewed 1247 times

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Re: Creating objects from intersecting lines

Postby druban » Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:24 am

The bottom object will always be cut by the top object. In the KO the circle was on top and therefore your strange result was the circle cutting the grid.
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Re: Creating objects from intersecting lines

Postby cocoruby » Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:13 pm

I knew there was a trick :oops:
Thank you very much for your help, things get clearer with you explanation.

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