Verdana font not displaying in Inkscape?

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Verdana font not displaying in Inkscape?

Postby pixabella » Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:16 am

Hi everyone,

I am a Mac OS X user and I am running the 30th Nov dev ver. I am having problems with Inkscape not displaying the Verdana font in the font drop down box. The other alternative would be to use Geneva as it is recommended as the alternative font for Mac Users.

However, Verdana also comes as a pre-installed font when you buy the Mac. Inkscape should be able to read and open this file as it is a True Type font.

Could anyone give me any advise as to why this is a problem and suggest a work around?


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Re: Verdana font not displaying in Inkscape?

Postby hash » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:13 am

If you're using dev-build go to developers and report this bug.

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Re: Verdana font not displaying in Inkscape?

Postby pixabella » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:53 am

Hi everyone,

Just to let you know I have reported the Verdana font bug and you can check it out here.
If there are any PC users and you have the same problem just visit the link and give a brief description of your platform, what vers of Inkscape your running and a short description of your problem.


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