"Mass" value for the Pencil tool

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"Mass" value for the Pencil tool

Postby blurymind » Mon May 11, 2015 6:49 pm

I really need a way to slow down my strokes. That is why the "mass" value is extremely useful when using the calligraphy tool.

The :tool_calligraphic: tool however creates too many nodes. For that reason I prefer to use the :tool_pencil: tool.

The :tool_pencil: tool does not have a "Mass" value. I really wish it id, so as to give me the control to slow down my stroke as I draw it.

The smooth value smooths it out after the fact and serves a completely different goal. The mass value gives control over the stroke that is specific. Smooth automatically generates a stroke that is usually not what I want and needs readjustment.

I believe that both can be used together in a great way. When my smooth is set to low and mass set to high - I would get a wonderfully precise smooth line that does have many nodes. But that line cound then be gradually cleaned up with ctrl+L

So please, add the "Mass" value to the :tool_pencil: tool!!

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Re: "Mass" value for the Pencil tool

Postby brynn » Mon May 11, 2015 10:03 pm

That sounds like an awesome idea!

Unfortunately, this is a users forum which very few developers participate in. To get the idea to developers, make a new wishlist bug report here: https://launchpad.net/inkscape

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Re: "Mass" value for the Pencil tool

Postby bartovan » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:40 pm

I agree, good idea. Make a feature request and post the link here, then we can "upvote" it...
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