Align Stroke to Inside/Outside

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Align Stroke to Inside/Outside

Postby Pureon » Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:57 am

Does anyone know if Illustrator's 'Align Stroke' feature is being worked on for Inkscape?

What are other ways of making a 1px line go along the outside of a shape that can then be separated from the shape it came from? It needs to be 1px wide precisely.

Thanks again all!

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Re: Align Stroke to Inside/Outside

Postby brynn » Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:57 am

I know it's been requested, but don't know if it's been implemented yet. Not sure about workaround.

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Re: Align Stroke to Inside/Outside

Postby ~suv » Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:56 pm

brynn wrote:I know it's been requested, but don't know if it's been implemented yet.
related wishlist reports:
brynn wrote:
Pureon wrote:What are other ways of making a 1px line go along the outside of a shape that can then be separated from the shape it came from?
Not sure about workaround.
You can separate fill and stroke into individual filled paths by combining ' Stroke to Path' and 'Difference':

generic steps (for bounding box setting 'Visual')
  1. create rectangle 200x200px, solid fill color, no stroke
  2. select rectangle and apply 'Path > Object to Path'
  3. duplicate the filled object, set stroke color and stroke-width (10px) of the duplicate
  4. select the stroked duplicate and apply 'Path > Stroke to Path' .
    This creates a filled frame with the width of 10px.
  5. duplicate the filled object (at the bottom, from step 2) again
  6. select both the duplicate of the filled object (now on top) and
    the filled frame (right below, created in step 4)
  7. apply 'Path > Difference'
  8. result: 2 objects
    1. filled frame with width 5px (half the stroke)
    2. inner fill as separate object

Posts: 47
Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:44 am

Re: Align Stroke to Inside/Outside

Postby Pureon » Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:47 am

suv once again you help me. Thank you. Your technique of using Difference does the trick! Lets hope we don't have to go through all of that for much longer :D

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