Export SVG coordinates in parameter format for X3D/VRML

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Export SVG coordinates in parameter format for X3D/VRML

Postby laetusx » Thu Sep 28, 2017 7:36 pm

Having recently produced some triple spirals in 2D and 3D -- the latter via X3D -- I needed x,y (z) coordinates for extrusion of the spiral form as a spiral cylinder

I finally used a convoluted clunky technique involving Adobe Illustrator image trace of a 2D triple spiral and exporting it as SVG -- followed by complex conversion of the SVG coordinates to x,y (z) coordinates.

I later found that there was a parametricization of spirals and triple spirals. However most useful was a spreadsheet of x,y(z) coords

I note the possibility of export/plot, gcodetools and svg export from Inkscape.

Is there a case for a simpler option -- or is there one which I was unable to find/comprehend?

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Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:38 am

Re: Export SVG coordinates in parameter format for X3D/VRML

Postby Lazur » Thu Sep 28, 2017 7:59 pm

Welcome aboard!

Sounds like a fun project -from what I could understand. Have to admit not clear what you are after.

Blender can import svg files for 3D modelling, wondering what do you use for x3d.

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