=== MPLA Sponsorship ===
♢ ACTION: Analyze how we could improve internal handling of
  Illustrator and Corel file import [crogers]
♢ ACTION: Follow up with MPLA to clarify on funded development and
  general sponsorship options [bryce]

== Boston Hackfest ==
♢ ACTION: Start reaching out to people (including previous
  contributors) to attend the hackfest. [Tavmjong]
♦ ACTION: Arrange votes for any special case travelers for
  hackfest. [bryce]

=== Merchandise Sales ===
♦ ACTION: Try one more time to access spreadshirt password, then
  email bryce for help [crogers]

=== Board election process review [tedg] ===
♦ ACTION: Collab on markdown formatting for the board docs [bryce,tedg]

=== LGM 2018 [Tav] ===
♦ ACTION: Get the word out about LGM / Inkscape and invite more
  attendees [Tavmjong]

=== Other Business ===
♢ ACTION: Evaluate use of discorse (https://discuss.pixls.us/ ?) for
  support/mailing list/forum type stuff [Vector Team]