=== Upcoming Events 2018-19: Kiel Hackfest; SCALE; LGM ===
♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, tedg]
♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac]
♦ ACTION: Arrange vote #2 on Kiel hackfest (funding arrangements) [bryce]
♦ ACTION: Arrange vote #1 on Kiel hackfest (official decision) [bryce]
♢ ACTION: ping jimmac about the symbolic icons for adding the theme to Inkscape [scislac]

=== Merchadise Sales ===
♦ ACTION: Followup with crogers on spreadshirt progress [Mc]

=== Other Action Items ===
♦ ACTION: Send prkos link to mailman ansible code [bryce]
♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers]