=== SCALE + Hackfest ===
♦ ACTION: Hold vote for March hackfest [bryce]
♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac]
♢ ACTION: Set up hackfest fundraiser web page for SCALE hackfest [maren]
♢ ACTION: Put together list of people to invite to 2019 SCALE hackfest [tedg]
♢ ACTION: Identify/recruit Inkscape presenters for SCALE [ryangorley]

=== LGM + Hackfest ===
♦ ACTION: Send email to recruit a volunteer to coordinate May hackfest in Germany [bryce]

=== Merchandise Sales ===
♢ ACTION: Coordinate announcement of spreadshirt with hackfest [crogers, vectors team]
♦ ACTION: Check with Conservancy on status of sticker production [doctormon]
♢ ACTION: Email Bryce with evaluation/details about hellotux.com merchandise service, for preparing board vote [crogers]
♢ ACTION: Board vote on hellotux.com [bryce]
♦ ACTION: Follow up with Cr on status of Spreadshirt rollout [bryce]

=== Bug Tracker Transition ===
♢ ACTION: Write up an orientation web page for new bug triagers, for gitlab migration [Mc]
♢ ACTION: Announce move to gitlab for new Inkscape & 2geom bug reports, once inkscape 1.0-alpha is released [bryce]

== Inkscape 1.0 alpha release ==
♢ ACTION: Start Inkscape 1.0-alpha release once 2geom is released [bryce]
♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav]
♢ ACTION: ping jimmac/barbara about the symbolic icons for adding the theme to Inkscape [scislac]
♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers]

=== Inkscape 0.92.4 Release ===
♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release once 1.0-alpha is released [bryce]
♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 [bryce]
♢ ACTION: Plan PR for 0.92.4 (with mention of availability of alpha) [vectors team, ryangorley]

=== Inkscape 1.0 Release ===
♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, tedg]

=== Sponsorship Management ===
♢ ACTION: Find out about the new event insurance from #conservancy [tedg]
♢ ACTION: See if Karen or other Conservancy members will be at SCALE to discuss sponsorship management
♢ ACTION: Generate summary of our financial situation [bryce]