2015 Graphical Web


The Inkscape Committee approves $500 for funding a representative to attend and present at the Graphics Web Conference in Pittsburg this month, as detailed below.


A majority vote of the current board members is required for the following proposal relating sponsoring an Inkscape to attend the Graphical Web conference in Pittsburgh.

  1. Fund $500 for attendance at the Graphics Web Conference


Board Member Vote
Bryce Harrington Y
Tavmjong Bah Y
Josh Andler Y
Jon Cruz
Ted Gould Y

Funding for Attendance at the Graphics Web Conference

1. Background

The Graphical Web Conference, formerly SVS Open, is the premier conference focusing on Web graphics. Inkscape is a native editor for SVG content and is widely used for producing web graphics. It is useful for us to have a representative at this conference to keep up on the latest developments in web graphics as well as to promote Inkscape. The conference organizers have waived the conference fee for our representative as well as provide a slot for a talk on SVG 2 and Inkscape.

For reference, Inkscape’s 2015 budget is posted at https://inkscape.org/en/about/governance/budget/

2. Support for Inkscape representative

Inkscape board will provide a maximum of $500 to support the attendance of an Inkscape representative to attend the Graphical Web conference in Pittsburgh in September 2015. The representative is expected to give a talk focusing on SVG 2 and Inkscape’s support for SVG 2 features.