A majority vote of the current board members is required for the following matter.


Voting is needed on the following items:

Details on the process are lined out in the attached document.


Board Member 1.
Josh Andler a
Tavmjong Bah -
Ted Gould a
Martin Owens a
Marc Jeanmougin a
Chris Rogers a


Resolution passes


Jonathan Neuhauser (@joneuhauser at Gitlab and chat.inkscape.org) is submitting a proposal to hire a freelance contributor to write an importer for AI files as a Python extension. For one, this is a highly requested feature Twitter link, and its boundary conditions make it perfect as a “test balloon” for contracting out work, in general.

The complete proposal can be found here; the first 2 pages are the “job description”, while pages 3-5 contain information on the hiring process, license, milestones, financials and what has already been prepared code-wise.

Note: On resolution, CC:

approvals@buckeye.sfconservancy.org, accounting@sfconservancy.org, inkscape@sfconservancy.org