A majority vote of the current board members is required for the following matter.



Board Member 1.
Josh Andler a
Tavmjong Bah a
Ted Gould a
Martin Owens a
Marc Jeanmougin a
Chris Rogers a


Approve £200 for Bug Mugs


As we wrap up the Bug Migration Game, we’d like to reward our bug movers and people involved with making/running/promoting the game with a bug mug.

I’d like approval for (up to) £200 in funds for sending these out to people, though it may wind up being less depending on what deals I can get.

This includes cost of ordering them and shipping them out to people.


Note: On resolution, CC:

approvals@buckeye.sfconservancy.org, accounting@sfconservancy.org, inkscape@sfconservancy.org