Author Topic: INkscape Native Extensions not working  (Read 1441 times)

January 18, 2018, 05:00:44 AM
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Hi Inkscape Community,

I've been using inkscape with Lunix (ubuntu) for a while but for specific reasons i have to use windows 7 64bits now.

My problem starts here :-S , Inkscape opens and works fine but when i try to use any native extension the dialog of the selected extensions pops up i can play arround with the extensions settings but when i click apply nothing happens

I'm using inkscape Version 0.92.1 r15371 and Windows 7 64 Bits

I've recorded a video showing this issue and uploaded to youtube.

I will be very thankfull if i we could get this thing working on windows.

Thanks for helping me out.

  • 0.92.1 r15371
  • Windows 7 64Bits

January 18, 2018, 06:21:55 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

When you started using Windows, was Inkscape already installed?  Or did you install it?

Well, either way, the first thing I would suggest is to uninstall, then reinstall.  (You might want to get 0.92.2 while you're at it....unless that's what you have and you made a typo.)  Be very careful as you select which version you need, and don't use the new update feature.  Please choose the full install option.

If you still have the same problems, we'll need to make a bug report.

Do you know how to uninstall on Windows?  Just in case, Control Panel > Programs and Features.  Give a moment or 2 for the list to finish populating.  And you should be able to see what to do from there.

Just to be thorough download a fresh installer package....  Or the 7z package, if that's what you want. 

Well actually, if you had the 7z version to start with, just delete it, instead of using Programs and Features.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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January 18, 2018, 07:34:51 AM
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Thanks for the help, i think i was using a beta version of inkscape i've gone ahead and downloaded a new version from the oficial website

Extensions are working now!!!
 :D :D :D
  • 0.92.1 r15371
  • Windows 7 64Bits

January 18, 2018, 07:52:24 AM
Reply #3


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  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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