Author Topic: Problem with corrupted SVG files after upgrading W7 32bit --> W10 64bit  (Read 1548 times)

May 07, 2017, 04:51:28 PM
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    Can you resist my finger?

First of all, I haven't tried 64 bit version of Inkscape yet, neither other versions (but 0.92 have too many bugs that I can use it regularly at work)
The version that I have used is Inkscape 0.91 r13725 (downloaded 7z file, no install).

So, I have some standard templates that I use. WHen using Windows 7 there was never any problems. Then last week I got to upgrade (brand new computer) to Windows 10 64 bit. I got to keep the old harddrive (several useful portable apps) and therefore slso the Inkscape program folder.

At first glance, everything ses to work just fine, I saved several drawings and had no indication that there was something wrong. However, after opening the saved files (both svg and svgz behaves the same) many objects was just thrown around to as I can see it, random location or just missing. So al my saved drawing was simply useless  :(

That was friday afternoon, so I had no more time to test wheter the svg files would look normally in Chrome, or if it would help if I downloaded 64 bit version of Inkscape.

Have anybody experienced similar problems? Is there a bug report on this. Is there any workaround, or bad setting that may cause this behaviour?
At some time I might find time to write something funny at the signature line - for now I just gave the finger som resistance.

May 07, 2017, 08:13:52 PM
Reply #1


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Hi Grobe,
So you're saying you did not upgrade Inkscape at all.  You got a brand new Windows 10 computer.  So that means you would have either used some kind of transfer program, to transfer files like images (as windows calls them "Pictures" and "Documents").  Or you would have manually copied them onto a cd or usb drive, and moved them into the new computer.

That's where I would look first -- how did you take the files from the old computer and put them on the new one?  If something has happened to the images, that's likely when/where it happened.

But hopefully you still have either the old computer with the intact images/files, or backups somewhere?

Or do you mean you made some new drawings in Inkscape, after you installed inkscape on the new computer?

When you said you got to keep the old hard drive,  how does that work?  Was it an external hard drive?  Or else, how do you access it?

Do you mean that you accessed the old hard drive on the new computer, and you used Inkscape while it was installed on the old hard drive, but you're logged on to the new computer?  I guess I wouldn't be really surprised if that kind of arrangement is problematic!

I don't think it would help to install the 64-bit Inkscape, because as you probably know, the 32 bit programs will run on a 64-bit system.  So there's no reason to think that should help.

However, I do think it would help to install Inkscape on the new computer, and not use it from the old hard drive.  Or maybe the portable version of Inkscape would work better for that kind of arrangement.  I'm not sure, I'm not very familiar with the portable version.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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May 08, 2017, 06:41:03 AM
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I haven't heard of anything similar. Which file format have you been saving to? Can you share a couple of files? Have you worked on those files with 0.92 and then switched back to 0.91, maybe?