Author Topic: Topic: Inkscape 0.92 installation on OSX on macOS Sierra  (Read 10092 times)

October 13, 2017, 01:07:46 PM
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Dear all:
First of all let me say hello to all members of this forum.
I have been a beginner sporadic user of Inkscape for some months and working with previous issues without problem. Now I tried to install the new version of Inkscape with my new version of SW and surprise, surprise: It is impossible to install it.

I attempted to install inkscape 092.2 using Macports.
I have xcocde  and MacPorts 2.4.2-10.12 Sierra (My Version macOs Sierra is  10.12.6)  installed on my computer.
I triggered the installation by using command “sudo port install inkscape” on the Terminal.
The installation process develops smoothly but fails at the end with the  error message below.
Could somebody help me on how to proceed on this?
I have to state that my knowledge of computing is highly limited so if you could guide me in a dummy friendly way that would help me in a lot.

--->  Verifying checksums for inkscape                                         
--->  Extracting inkscape
--->  Applying patches to inkscape
--->  Configuring inkscape
--->  Building inkscape
Error: Failed to build inkscape: command execution failed

Error: See /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_graphics_inkscape/inkscape/main.log for details.

Error: Follow to report a bug.

Error: Processing of port inkscape failed
--->  Some of the ports you installed have notes:
  aspell has the following notes:
    You must install (at least) one of the language dictionaries after
    installing this port in order for it to work.
  dbus has the following notes:
    # Startup items have been generated that will aid in
    # starting dbus with launchd. They are disabled
    # by default. Execute the following commands to start them,
    # and to cause them to launch at startup:
    # sudo launchctl load -w
    # launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist
  p5.24-libwww-perl has the following notes:
    As of version 6.00, libwww-perl has been split into multiple packages. If
    you were using p5.24-libwww-perl for just one or two of its modules before,
    you may be able to pare down your installation to just those modules now.
    Other important changes have been made that may affect your code; for
    details, please see: /opt/local/share/doc/p5.24-libwww-perl/Changes
  py27-cython has the following notes:
    To make the Python 2.7 version of Cython the one that is run when you
    execute the commands without a version suffix, e.g. 'cython', run:
    port select --set cython cython27
  python27 has the following notes:
    To make this the default Python or Python 2 (i.e., the version run by the
    'python' or 'python2' commands), run one or both of:
        sudo port select --set python python27
        sudo port select --set python2 python27
  • 0.92.2
  • MacOs Sierra 10.12.6

October 14, 2017, 04:06:49 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

I'm not very knowledgeable about Macs, but I can point you to some info which you can use, until someone who has more experience or understanding of Macs than me.

Starting here, you can choose which way you want to install, and find instructions:
Here are all the FAQ items about using Inkscapes on Macs:
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity" - Horace Mann                       

October 14, 2017, 04:44:43 AM
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Is there a specific reason as to why you cannot / do not want to use the official dmg?

October 16, 2017, 02:15:18 PM
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Hi Brynn and Moini

Thanks for your suggestions.

I have tried those three ways proposed at Inkscape site. None of these options have been successful in my case.

I initially tried to install 0.92.2 using the official dmg package, knowing that X11 was already installed on my mac. This failed. Inkscape did not open.

I reinstalled XQuartz directly and the same result. However I assumed that the installation of XQuartz, would automatically override or disable X11. But at the end Inkscape did not work. I cannot precise the reason but I assumed that this could be due to XQuartz installation. So, I uninstalled everything. But how? I deleted all system files and everything smelling Inkscape or XQuartz.

I reinstalled XQuartz (rebooting the system) and loaded Inkscape. Triggered Inkscape installation and got a message like “the SW has been uploaded from Google and it s not safe to open the file” (or something like that). I anyway opened the file. The dmg file unpacked and proceeded but finally Inkscape did not open.  This procedure failed in various attempts.

Subsequently I tried to install Inkscape using homebrew after installing XQuartz.
This process also failed.

Following attempt then should be using MacPorts, which I start exercising, with errors related to phython27 and those reported in my Post.
This last failure seems to be related to Python27 and I do not know where this sw is required or installed. I have the felling that this has something to do with the inkscape port in MacPorts.

My question now is do you know if somebody has succeeded installing 0.92.2 in macOS Sierra?

In view of all the above and following hints I found in  (Thanks Brynn for this link) my next step will be “to lower the default security settings system-wide” (which I also previously attempted but I will run it clean slate this time).
An observation though: the two available options given by Sierra are:
Allow applications downloaded from:
•   Apple Store
•   Apple Store and identified developers
Should the latter be equivalent to the option “Anywhere” available in previous versions of mac OS?. I do not know if in the second option above the said “developers” are only those identified by Apple or those also include other open source developers.

Reading about GateKeeper it appears that if prevention of installation of the SW is not disabled it means that the package may not even be open, but as I mentioned above the installation runned smoothly in one of my previous attempts!!! So this area is not clear to me.

In conclusion, would it be correct to think that:
•   uninstalling Inkscape and XQuartz inevitably leaves some elements behind that hinder the installation of this new version of Inkscape?
•   Even if the Security settings are not modified the new Inscape version can be installed? Or is it mandatory to modify it? In the link Brynn provided there is the possibility to OPEN / launch the installation anyway.
•   Failure in activating Python27 has to do with MacPorts exclusively or is it the case that Inkscape installation requires python27 somewhere?
•   Trashing dmg and other files found with a simple search would be enough to clean annoying remains of Inkscape and XQuartz software? Are there lists of folders, location and sw packages/files that are created and that should be removed when uninstalling?

Well, this is my adventure with this 0.92.2 up to now.
I may try to install older versions of Inkscape and X11 to recover my latest working version, hopping that this may works with my version of macOS Sierra.

I have to say that I have also checked other Moinis posts but for the moment I do not find any hint that may take my out of this loop.
  • 0.92.2
  • MacOs Sierra 10.12.6

October 17, 2017, 04:20:21 AM
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Yes, please look into your Gatekeeper settings. Inkscape not starting up is a frequently reported problem (at least it was in previous versions), and this was due to the Apple Gatekeeper preventing startup.
See also:

It is known to work on Sierra, esp. the latest version.
Also, keep in mind that startup can just take a long time.
The icon flashing, then nothing happening, though, has often been resolved by modifying Gatekeeper settings.

October 17, 2017, 04:21:58 AM
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October 18, 2017, 03:43:58 AM
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Hi Moini:
*MacOS Sierra Security & Privacy.pdf
(56.1 kB - downloaded 139 times)

My further investigation following your hints led me to the following: and there to: playmeforafool (playmeforafool) wrote on 2015-07-24.  He manages to set Inkscape working but he also concludes: “It must be something buggy with that "Open anyway" option.”

Actually I have an added problem with my macOS Sierra version 10.12.6 which is that I do not have  “Anywhere” as an option in the "Security & Privacy” settings (See attachment).  So, I cannot run the procedure:

1. From System Preferences, open "Security & Privacy".
2. At the bottom of the General pane, change "Allow apps downloaded from:" to "Anywhere".
3. Start Inkscape.
4. After Inkscape has launched, go back to "Security & Privacy" and revert the setting to "Mac App Store and identified developers".

While on the other hand checking: “spctl -a -vv /Applications/” in the Terminal, I get: “/Applications/ accepted”, meaning that in any case Inkscape should be allowed to open and install.

I have also exercised without success:

1) In the Finder, browse to the folder where you installed Inkscape (usually /Applications)
2) select Inkscape, open the content menu and use 'Show Package Contents'
3) inside the app bundle, browse to 'Contents > MacOS'
4) double-click 'Inkscape' in that folder
The last step will open a non-interactive Terminal window displaying all console messages (it can be closed once is quit). Note that if this is the first run of by the current user, the initial launch can take several minutes until the caches for fontconfig are built. Subsequent launches are faster.

Further to that, I have the possibility to upgrade to macOS High Sierra but I do not know if I will end up with the same problem. Does somebody know something about? Or should I continue trying with my macOS Sierra version? Or perhaps using previous macOS versions?
  • 0.92.2
  • MacOs Sierra 10.12.6

October 18, 2017, 06:37:59 AM
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And what do you get when you try starting Inkscape from the terminal?

(I'm not a macOS user, so I cannot really help with this - just hint at previously reported issues, and try to rule out an Inkscape issue)

October 18, 2017, 10:40:01 AM
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Going directly to:
/Applications/ ; exit;
As you se the response is only exit but in the terminal there is no other report. It hangs there. I have then to Terminate it and then the following: PID 2345 killed brutally
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]
I get from:
that for Yosemite the launch from the Terminal is also incomplete.
Further to this Moini, could you hint me on how to correctly invoke Inkscape from the Terminal, as I have loaded the dmg file?

  • 0.92.2
  • MacOs Sierra 10.12.6

October 18, 2017, 04:00:51 PM
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Wish I could...

Can you visit the Inkscape User chat, and ask for help there? (and share any answers that helped you here?). Developers often monitor that chat room, and there may be a couple knowledgeable Mac-using Inkscape users around. If you don't get a reply, try at another time of day again - time zones may be an issue.

If that doesn't help, try the user mailing list at (you need to subscribe, if only temporarily)

October 19, 2017, 03:51:09 AM
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Thanks Moini, I will do that and in case I find my solution then I will report back to all of you.
For the moment I have to report that I found way to disable Gatekeeper in "Security & Privacy”  to incorporate the option "Anyway" in macOS Sierra. I will teste it to see if that would finally work.
  • 0.92.2
  • MacOs Sierra 10.12.6

October 19, 2017, 03:04:41 PM
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Yes, please let us know (and also how you made that option appear).

October 30, 2017, 05:01:45 AM
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the dmg installer works flawlessly on macos sierra 10.12 but on macos high sierra 10.13 it does not. I'm extremely frustrated by this.
It seems the problem is with xquartz. It doesn't support the new macos.
Apple is pushing new os on you until your hw is supported so no downgrade.
At xquartz things happen at a glacial pace. And I don't know how can I help them.
I lost one of my main tool and I don't know what to do...

October 30, 2017, 02:49:38 PM
Reply #13


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If nothing else works, install VirtualBox, and use Ubuntu or Linux Mint - or elementaryOS or deepin, if you want something that looks more like a Mac - on a Virtual machine inside your own computer, where you install Inkscape to. Then at least you can continue to work.
Learn about how to create 'shared folders' to be able to exchange files easily between your mac host, and the Linux guest. It's going to be a bit slower, because your computer then emulates another computer inside it, but if there's no other way... :-(

October 30, 2017, 08:37:12 PM
Reply #14


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I'm not a Mac user, so please forgive if this is silly question.  Is there some reason why the other ways of installing Inkscape on Macs won't work for you, i.e. Homebrew or MacPorts?  As far as I understand, they are not meant for newbies, but is there some other reason you can't use one of them?
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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April 25, 2018, 09:56:26 AM
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I'm using a mac mini with high sierra. I went through all the frustrations listed above. After a day and a half, i hatched a work-around scheme.
Copied the .dmg to a older powerbook. dmg worked perfectly. no choice with the Install screen but to install to the powerbook.
Copied the inkscape application back to the Mini's applications folder. Restarted just in case.
Double clicked on the inkscape icon and got the message about being patient while fonts were viewed. It was working.
Program came up… no apple security warnings, no terminal activity, just drag and drop. Never thought it would actually work.  Thought it was interesting.
  • 0.91
  • Mac High Sierra

April 25, 2018, 05:41:42 PM
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Btw. here are now some new instructions for installation on a Mac, describing the various methods: