
Author Topic: Bug with Powerstroke path effect  (Read 1326 times)

November 13, 2017, 03:50:13 PM
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Applying the Powerstroke path effect to the path in this attached file causes strange effects. The line width automatically expands to fill the entire canvas, even on default settings. Moving the knots cause the program to freeze without affecting the line. I've looked over the documentation for an answer with no luck.

Is this a bug?
  • Inkscape 0.92.2
  • Windows 10 Home, Version 1703, OS Build 15063.674

November 14, 2017, 04:28:08 AM
Reply #1


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    • VektorRascheln
Probably. Try updating to Inkscape 0.92.2 first, and if it persists, report the issue in the bugtracker (might be known already, please do a quick search before you post):

November 14, 2017, 05:37:06 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

Yes, I have the same experience on 0.92.2.  However, I notice that you're drawing at a very small scale - I might even say tiny.  And I do seem to recall that we have seen issues with some LPEs at very small scales.  Your page size is 21.something x 13.something.  Units are pixels, and scale is set properly.

I'll see if I can find a bug report.

I can't find a bug report, but I seem to recall hearing about an issue with very small objects.  I would probably report it, and just include a comment that it might already be reported, but you can't find.

If you aren't comfortable getting involved with a bug report, let us know so we can report it  :)

Or if you don't necessarily need that very small size, you could scale larger, and possibly avoid the problem.  I'll try....

Yikes!  I have the same problem at a larger size.  I just moved the decimal point over one place (so instead of 21.8 width, it's 218.something) (and same for height).  But it's a very similar problem when adding powerstroke!

Oh, I see what the problem is.  It's a closed path.  For some reason, these LPEs don't work very well on closed paths.  And which yes, I can see how this really limits its use!  Actually I should say that I've seen this with powerstroke (not necessarily all LPEs). I'm not sure where developers are with this.  I could ask....I am curious.  First, let me see if there is a reported bug about it....
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 06:08:27 AM by brynn »
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November 14, 2017, 06:12:12 AM
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I don't find a bug report, but I think  I'll ask on the mailing list about it.  I'm just curious.  (Will be a bit later today before I get to my email, but I'll post whatever answer I might get.)
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November 14, 2017, 02:17:06 PM
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  • Inkscape 0.92.2
  • Windows 10 Home, Version 1703, OS Build 15063.674