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Help Using Inkscape => Inkscape Beginners' Questions => Topic started by: unloco on January 12, 2018, 05:46:19 PM

Title: Font from relative path
Post by: unloco on January 12, 2018, 05:46:19 PM

I would like to use a font that is not installed on my system but rather exists in a folder relative to the SVG file

Currently, Inkscape is not rendering my text correctly

Here's my code
Code: [Select]
<style type="text/css">
@font-face {
font-family: 'Racing Sans One';
src: url('../common/racingsansone-regular.ttf');

Is this feature supported? Or do I have to install the font to be able to use it in inkscape?

Any help is appreciated,
Thank you
Title: Re: Font from relative path
Post by: Moini on January 13, 2018, 03:12:22 PM
@brynn: could that annoying delay be set to something under 60 seconds? I'm a fast typer, and messages get lost so often because of that f*** limit.

@unloco: It doesn't work in Inkscape 0.92.2. You'd either need to use the development version, or wait until 0.93 is released.
Title: Re: Font from relative path
Post by: brynn on January 14, 2018, 03:16:00 AM
Moini, I installed a mod which should be saving the message for you.  Can you do a test?  Use the Testing board, if you like.

I haven't actually tested how long it takes for the save to happen.  Actually, I'll start a topic in the Testing board, and we can both test, in case it's system related.  I'll try to figure something out.

You must be hitting this over on InkscapeForum too.  As far as I recall, I used to hit that over there all the time.  Not as fast as I used to be....or else that feature was lost a couple of years ago, after the breakdown.  (If so, I would suggest it should be replaced, to ease the load on moderators.)
Title: Re: Font from relative path
Post by: Moini on January 14, 2018, 02:20:49 PM
Thanks, brynn, for trying to help - it doesn't save it, unfortunately, at least not with the quick reply.