Inkscape Community
Help Using Inkscape => Inkscape Beginners' Questions => Topic started by: David2145 on August 18, 2017, 08:28:45 AM
Well, I seem to be having a problem with the steps in a YouTube tutorial by Nick Saporito ( it's in his Vector Interlocking Rings tutotial. I'm pretty sure at the time the tut was released he was using Inkscape 0.48.
Around the 11:00 min mark in the tut he uses the Bezier Tool to draw a closed shape around a section of the intersection between the two rings. He then uses the Path>Intersection command to trim the shape to match the Bezier curve. However, when I attempt to do it, I get the curve of the ring matched on the left side but the right side of the resulting shape fills the Bezier curve instead of following the ring curve.
Hopefully the attached "before" and "after" files help explain the situation a little better.
Am I missing something, doing it wrong, or perhaps Inkscape 0.92.2 has a bug? Anyone else having a problem like this?
Haven't seen the video so just pointing to this article (;sa=view;article=30).
Can work with path intersection, although cloning and clipping is easier than that method.
Ok, here is a quick one:
Thanks Lazur. I'll give that a try.
Could you give a link to the tutorial you're talking about?
Let me try.
Maybe this?
Not real good doing this type of thing. Sorry.
OK, whatched most of it.
Honestly speaking I have no idea how you achieved that result in your second image.
Selecting both and pressing Ctrl+* does the job.
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(On a side note the tutorial produces the "gap issue"-the background shows through the edges.)
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Okay, I don't know what I did wrong, but I did finally get it to work correctly.
The only thing I found wrong was a bunch of tiny little lines/vectors on the inside of the "original" created ring. (The one that I was trying to "mask".) I guess the Bezier curve was picking those up some how when I tried to do the Path>Intersection function.
Thanks for y'alls help though. I do appreciate it.