
Author Topic: Parts of Text Character not appearing when zoomed  (Read 1723 times)

January 10, 2018, 05:03:56 AM
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I have a ornate script that seems to be out of alignment when the view is zoomed. The top of the characters becomes clipped outside of one of the frames. Not sure if a svg file would help if the script is not installed on the host system so attached a screen clip.

Thanks for any help

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January 10, 2018, 08:06:40 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

Actually you can attach an SVG file, and when we open it, it will contain that font, even though we don't have it installed.  At least I've seen this happen before.  We would not be able to use it in a different file unless we install it.  But we should be able to see it in your file.  (As far as I understand, this is a new feature in Inkscape!)

From your screenshot, it looks like you should be able to extend the text box upwards, and get most of design.  But I see that some parts extend below some border (not sure what it is, at the moment).

So you're saying this is only happening when you zoom in?  I can't speak for others, but I would need to see the SVG file.
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January 10, 2018, 10:33:57 AM
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This could be a known issue with certain fonts, as far as I know. When you do Path -> Object to Path, the text should be whole (but it's no longer text, and no longer editable as one). Does this work?

If you're not using 0.92.2, try if updating Inkscape helps with the issue.

Brynn is right about the font name being in the file, but wrong about the font itself being included in the file. There's no new feature of this kind. Yet, it would help us to be able to investigate the structure of the file (and you could give us a link to the font, if it's free to use).

January 10, 2018, 10:35:04 AM
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(or rather, uninstall, then install new version - there's an issue with direct updating from some previous versions on Windows)

January 10, 2018, 12:46:19 PM
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Hi Moini & Brynn

I am using Vers 0.92.2. The font is one I have had for a while and came off one of the free font websites ages ago. It is the same as the svg attached Rothenburg Decorative the font is at . Whether it is a free font I am not sure, but  I have never used it in a commercial context, so not gone in to it in detail. It has just been to give ideas for someone who does calligraphy and likes challenges and practice copying by hand. Hope you can see from this example. But two screen grabs attached. I would point out that in other graphic programs I have that it does appear out of the frame box but still shows, so may be a peculiarity of the font.

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January 10, 2018, 12:48:29 PM
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Sorry Moini, just checked - yes when converted with object to path it appears

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January 10, 2018, 01:51:26 PM
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Brynn is right about the font name being in the file, but wrong about the font itself being included in the file.

Hhmmm....I think in the instance I was remembering, I must have had the font installed, and not realized it.  Because this time, I see a red strikeout through the font name, which I didn't see before.

Anyway, I'm glad you got it worked out.
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January 10, 2018, 06:02:54 PM
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Yes, from 71% Zoom and higher, the swirls are cut off for me, too. Would you report this as a bug at , including the link to the font, your Inkscape version, the svg file, and that this has been confirmed to happen on Linux Mint 18.3 as well as in the development version (0.92+devel (458da60, 2018-01-08)), too ?

January 11, 2018, 12:29:26 AM
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Thanks Moini

Will report it


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