
Author Topic: Does Inkscape have a discord server?  (Read 1386 times)

February 13, 2019, 09:42:46 PM
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Just that simple, does inkscape have a discord server? Discord is a wonderful free chat program that as of the end of 2016, is being used by over 25 million people, created by gamers for gamers, and has more recently started to branch out to any type of server that people create and invite to. It has text, voice chat, video calling, ability to link your social medias, plus many more features. It's on browser, a PC app, and on mobile as well with each of those versions working great.

For inkscape I've looked on the site and here, so I don't see one that is official yet, but I am a part of one that has a supbstantial base, there are alot of helpful people, I don't have any responibility in the server, but I just have gotten good help, friendship, and want to share with others the feeling of community and support for people that like art and use inkscape.

We are right at 100 members and surely growing due to some great search engine optimization (making the best google search results) and if you would like to join, here is a link. and this is something that is easily accessed as well by going to google and typing in "Inkscape discord" into the search bar and it's the first link. That's how I found it and just happens to be a great relatively Instant source of help for artists.

I hope you have a great time with inkscape wether you join or not and I plan to stay in the forum to learn as much as I can. If interested, you can also look me up on major social medias with the tag name @Brettinabox.
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February 14, 2019, 05:28:25 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

I actually have no idea what a discord server is.  And Inkscape doesn't have one, as far as I know.  (Maybe this is one of those things where you wonder "what were they thinking?"  And I know you have nothing to do with it, but "discord" seems like a rather ominous name for a chat app!  I have to think there must have been some reasoning behind that name?)

But there is an IRC chat for Inkscape users.  See link on this page:  irc://

Personally I don't use the chat modality much.  I get too confused when there are multiple conversations happening at the same time, and then I can't type fast enough to keep up.  But I'll try and look through your site later, when I have some time. 

Thanks for letting us know about it!

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February 14, 2019, 09:49:08 AM
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Yes, it has been a very long time since I've used an IRC client :lol: but as I've gotten older and more sophisticated, so has my chat client. I hung out for a bit in the room, but as nobody said a single word so :th:

Just letting those interested know it's out there, it's free. Maybe even make your own and people can join.
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February 14, 2019, 10:06:54 AM
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February 14, 2019, 11:52:20 AM
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    • Inkscape Community has a channel for user support now, too

Oh, I didn't know about that one.  Are they going to close the IRC one?  I'm not sure it makes sense to run both of them.  Not that I use chat, but I wouldn't want to have to monitor both.

Hhmm, I wonder why it isn't in the list of channels on the left side?

I hung out for a bit in the room, but as nobody said a single word

Yeah, people don't hang around and chit-chat.  They have the channel open, and if someone posts a question, then they answer.  But they don't usually sit around all day talking.  If you have a question, then post it, and you'll get an answer.
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February 15, 2019, 06:02:47 AM
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Nope, they want to build a bridge, just like for the devel channel. It's not in your list because you didn't join it.

February 16, 2019, 10:19:07 PM
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That seems like an odd way to do it.  What other channels are there, that I don't know about?  How would anyone know about them, if they aren't in the list?

Actually I originally joined the Vectors team chat.  But I saw 3 other channels there, before I joined them.  That's how I knew they were there, I saw them in the list.
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February 17, 2019, 05:30:38 AM
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Visit the home page:

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February 17, 2019, 09:02:50 AM
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Thanks, I'll check it out!
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July 22, 2019, 07:13:57 AM
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We could start a discord server. I have a feeling it might get more participation than expected if promoted properly
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July 22, 2019, 08:58:06 PM
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I think you already found the RocketChat area.  I think I saw you there the other day.

In less than 2 weeks now, this forum will essentially close, and the new forum on the Inkscape website will open.

I'm still not clear what a "discord server" is, but it certainly is an ominous sounding name for a communication app or program.  (Here, let me serve you up some discord - welcome to our unhappy family!)  Wait, is it "discord"?  It seems like I've heard of something called Discourse.

But anyway, if it's something that you want to take charge of, official passwords, admin account, moderation, etc., you could present the idea to the Board.

Personally, there are more communication outlets than I can keep track of, already.
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July 23, 2019, 06:55:46 AM
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I don't think we're going to add yet another communication platform anytime soon.