Inkscape Community
Community Stuff => Community Chat and Introductions => Topic started by: flamingolady on November 28, 2017, 08:43:47 AM
Hi Inkscape friends,
Just wanted to let you know that I'll be gone for awhile due to medical reasons (again). Having major surgery which I believe will make life a bit better, and it will be a long hard road. Had to drop off a couple yrs ago, and wasn't able to let anyone know, but this time I know in advance. Just know that I love Inkscape, always will, and want to thank everyone that has ever helped me along the way - way too many people to list, but will give a shout out of thanks to Brynn and Lazur, on the short list, and given my memory of names, I know I've omitted many others. You two really run this site so well, I have learned so much, and still have a long way to go!
Would appreciate positive thoughts and prayers. see ya on the flip side.
Good luck, Dee! I got the email from your friend, so I can post updates in this thread, if it's ok with you. If not, I'll just share the info privately.
thx Brynn. That'd be fun, use your discretion. hope to be back soon!
I've received word that Dee's surgery went well. She's in ICU, as expected. So far, so good!
Thank you for the update, Brynn!
New update.
Sounds like recovery is in full swing. Dee has been moved to a regular hospital room (out of ICU). As of the last message I got, isn't allowed visitors yet. But plans are to move to a rehab facility in approx a week (assuming all continues to go well).
Rock on, Dee!!
Latest report. Dee was supposed to be moved to rehab last Friday, but some kind of complication prevented it. That's all I know, except her husband is asking for prayers.
Stay strong, Dee!
Thanks for letting us know, Brynn. Sounds like they're having a really hard time. I wish them all the strength they need!
Good news! Dee's been transferred to the rehab facility.
This must be a new thing with medical care here in the US. I would never expect someone with that major of surgery leaving the hospital after just a week. So I don't think the rehab facility is necessarily only for rehab, in the sense of physical therapy. I'm suspecting they've just privatized recovery that used to happen in the hospital. The reason I'm thinking that (besides never hearing of someone leaving a hospital after major surgery in only a week), is that she's still not allowed visitors. And one would think, if "rehab" means "physical therapy" visitors should not be a problem.
I'll be getting the address of the facility, so if anyone wants to send a card or something, I'll share it via PM. Maybe we should make a card or something? I don't have a cutter, or anything like that. Actually I don't even have a printer. But it's a thought, if anyone is interested.
Drawing a collaborative card?
That's a nice idea!
I'm not sure where to start. I did start on an isometric city block drawing, where everyone would draw their own property. Maybe if it was holiday season, with the houses decorated, and snow instead of grass? Other ideas? Maybe just collected "get well" or "hurry back" wishes?
Dee has now moved home! It sounds like they were not satisfied with the rehab facility (it probably was a nursing home, for those unfamiliar with these things - I know I would not be able to handle that!) They are planning to get visiting home nurses for the wound care and physical therapy at home too.
She's still not up to phone calls or visitors.
What if instead of a city or residential block, we just make one isometric residence, and make it decorated for the holidays? I could start on the base.
Any other ideas? We could also wait, and make a welcome back group effort....??
Update time!
Dee is still home. Arrangements for visiting nurse and physical therapists are complete and visits have commenced. Followup with surgeons is positive!
Of course she's doing the hard work, but it sounds like she's moving onward and upwards!
Keep up the good healing work, Dee!!