Search found 25 matches
- Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:14 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: simplest way to save cropped vector image
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3524
Re: simplest way to save cropped vector image
Well, you can try importing the pdf into inkscape and then: - Draw a rectangle with the :tool_rectangle: tool over the area you want to be visible - Then, select the triangle with the :tool_selector: tool - Go to File -> Document Properties (Shift + Ctrl + D) and you'll see a button that says "...
- Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:28 pm
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: resolution when exporting?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1322
Re: resolution when exporting?
What format are you exporting it to? If the whole thing is a vector, then you can try saving it as a pdf or eps (with correct dimensions). That way quality shouldn't be lost. Actually, even if everything wasn't vector, pdf/eps would still be the better way to go. If you're exporting it as bitmap, th...
- Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:20 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: Potrance doesn't work
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1003
Re: Potrance doesn't work
Import the image and select it with the :tool_selector: tool. Look at the bottom of the inkscape window, it will tell you the type of object selected. Make sure you are selecting an image (sometimes the imported items are stored in groups, and you have to double click on it) Then, simply open the Tr...
- Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:59 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: Is there a stable devlopers build for windows?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 918
Re: Is there a stable devlopers build for windows?
The development versions are regularly updated, so try the latest one at the inkscape website (not sure if its more stable or not).
Here's a direct link to the download page, they should be in the 'mirrored Win32 build' link.
Here's a direct link to the download page, they should be in the 'mirrored Win32 build' link.
- Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:34 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: I need Help with bitmap tracing artifacts
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1687
Re: I need Help with bitmap tracing artifacts
The original image is black&white? Simply select the "brightness cutoff" in the 'single scan' section, and set the Threshold to 0.9 (The brightness cutoff threshold tells inkscape what shades it should include, 0 = keep everything white ... 1 = everything black... putting at 0.9 will m...
- Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:08 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: How to draw tapered ink strokes with the line tool?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 11886
Re: How to draw tapered ink strokes with the line tool?
Pattern-along-path, thats what you're looking for. Incase you're wondering how it works (pretty sure you'll find more info on the forums if you do a search on it) then: - Make the tapered shape (a triangle in most cases) - Select the triangle and go to edit -> copy (ctrl + C) - Now, select the line ...
- Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:57 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: Creating single dots with Caligraphy
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1528
Re: Creating single dots with Caligraphy
^ Ahh, heh, thought the problem was that they wanted to create dots with the pencil tools. Oh well, didn't know ctrl+click made dots, guess y'learn something new everyday 

- Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:45 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: Creating single dots with Caligraphy
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1528
Re: Creating single dots with Caligraphy
Well, a line is defined between two points, so I don't think a single dot can be created. You can create a very small circle if you only want one dot. If you want to have multiple dots in different places, then with the :tool_pen: tool, simply click where the dots should be and make a line. Then, wi...
- Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:05 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] Help cutting paths!!! I just dont get it
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2187
Re: Help!!! I just dont get it
Following prkos' suggestion to use the trace bitmap feature, I got the following result: I took away the background (I wasn't quite sure what it was that required removal...) Here's how to get that result: - Import image into inkscape, and select it with...
- Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:30 am
- Forum: Inkscape Ideas
- Topic: what about non-rectangular canvas?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3724
Re: what about non-rectangular canvas?
Hmm, I don't think a non-rectangular canvas can exist because an image's size is always defined in width x height (i.e. always rectangular). However, if your background is transparent and you draw an irregular-shaped border and then save the image in a format that supports transparency, you can make...
- Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:14 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: Connecting to lines
- Replies: 16
- Views: 5987
Re: Connecting to lines
The freehand tool ->
Most users just hold down the mouse button and draw instead of point-clicking.
If you wish to point-click, then try the Bezier tool (
I believe it will be better for what you are trying to do.

Most users just hold down the mouse button and draw instead of point-clicking.
If you wish to point-click, then try the Bezier tool (

I believe it will be better for what you are trying to do.
- Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:03 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] How to create a line that 'changes' colour
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1790
Re: How to create a line that 'changes' colour
Mhmm... is the background a vector object? If yes, then here's what i think might be a way to do it: 1. Select the circular outline and convert it to a shape (Path -> Stroke to Path or Ctrl + Alt + C) 2. Duplicate the circular outline (Edit -> Duplicate or Ctrl + D) 3. Try to select all the regions ...
- Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:08 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved]Image into rounded frame
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5620
Re: [solved]Image into rounded frame
You can also resize the image with Method A (in fact, I believe it is actually easier) Simply use the :tool_selector: tool to select the image and use the corner arrows to enlarge/shrink the image. If you want to modify the frame, use :tool_rectangle: or :tool_ellipse: (whichever tool you used to ma...
- Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:45 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved]Image into rounded frame
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5620
Re: Image into rounded frame
Well, what is your intended format for output? Inkscape can insert an image into a frame but if you save your work as pdf/eps then it wouldn't be saved properly. There's two ways of inserting an image into a rounded frame (Could be a more easier and efficient way of doing it, but I only know of two ...
- Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:24 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] To trace or redraw?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2559
Re: To trace or redraw?
Well, I guess both methods can work. With tracing, you can lower the nodes by about 400 by opening the Trace bitmap Dialog (Shift + Alt + B or Path -> Trace Bitmap). In the Dialog, you'll notice a tab that says 'Options', select it. Look for 'Optimize Paths' and make sure it is checked. In the value...
- Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:48 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] Inner Outline? [Added An Illistration!]
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2498
Re: Inner Outline? [Added An Illistration!]
^ Thats weird, it aligns perfectly for me. If your original shape is aligned, then the stroke should be aligned too 

- Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:22 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] Inner Outline? [Added An Illistration!]
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2498
Re: Inner Outline? [Added An Illistration!]
Hmm, the W H thingy did not do nothing that i wanted? that is basically just changing the size of my shape- Or have i done something wrong? Im very dependent of the option to have the stroke follow the shape/path on the inside. Why, well it asures me that the stroke follows the grid and that the si...
- Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:59 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] Inner Outline? [Added An Illistration!]
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2498
Re: Inner Outline? [Added An Illistration!]
There's always path -> inset/outset (although that also deforms the stroke a little bit). I'm not sure if inkscape has anything that lets you specify whether the stroke should be in, out, or center of the path (I believe it is set to "center" as default). Mainly because I never had any nee...
- Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:25 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] Perspective Transform
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3337
- Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:09 pm
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] Perspective Transform
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3337
Re: Perspective Transform
I'm afraid only rotating and scaling are in Inkscape.
Free Transform has other features such as prespective, skewing and distorting which I don't think are easily accessible in the current stable build.
Free Transform has other features such as prespective, skewing and distorting which I don't think are easily accessible in the current stable build.
- Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:27 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] 3d box defaults?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2350
Re: 3d box defaults?
^ Gah, m'head must've been somewhere else. I meant outside page instead of canvas. The perspective lines meet at the left and right side of the page. So drawing inside the page will give better results than drawing outside the page.
- Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:03 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] 3d box defaults?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2350
Re: 3d box defaults?
^ Well, the thing is, I don't think it has any "defaults" (this is simply my conclusion based on playing around with the 3D Box tool) Generally, in the :tool_3dbox: tool's options only the middle 'parallel lines' are enabled with an Angle Y of 90.00 Now, as for the funky box, it depends on...
- Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:07 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] 3d box defaults?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2350
Re: 3d box defaults?
Mhmm, don't know exactly what you mean by the prespective lines being seperated. However, if you have the :tool_3dbox: tool selected and look at the tool options toolbar, you'll see buttons that look like two parallell lines, try selecting them (or deselecting them). They will allow you to modify/mo...
- Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:04 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] Newbie help
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1541
Re: Newbie help
^ heh, those are the ideal type of images for tracing with inkscape. here's what you have to do: 1. Import the image into inkscape (file -> import ... then browse to image) 2. Select the image with the :tool_selector: tool 3. Open the "Trace Bitmap" dialog by going to Path -> Trace Bitmap ...
- Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:26 am
- Forum: Help with using Inkscape
- Topic: [solved] Hotkeys
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1708
Re: Hotkeys
^ Yes, you can edit the default.xml file directly from there. Or, you can rename one of the template files to 'default.xml' and Inkscape will use the template file.