Search found 2 matches

by muxecoid
Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:11 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Is inkscape the tool for me (drawing boardgame icons)
Replies: 3
Views: 1648

Re: Is inkscape the tool for me (drawing boardgame icons)

tuomo wrote:Check out this extension - it sounds like exactly what you're looking for: ... evelopment

Thanks, that looks highly relevant.
by muxecoid
Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:47 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Is inkscape the tool for me (drawing boardgame icons)
Replies: 3
Views: 1648

Is inkscape the tool for me (drawing boardgame icons)

Hello. I'm trying to figure whether inkscape is the right tool for me. The gallery is impressive and there are some tutorials, but I don't find stuff easily in Inkscape UI. I'm trying to design some tokens for a boargame. Unfortunately Google Docs Draw (GDD) can not even attach text to path. I need ...

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