Thanks for the kind offer Moini. I'm just learning Javascript at the moment. I wouldn't consider myself to be a programmer as such. Maybe I will be able to rewrite the script in python as a Inkscape extension one day ! I've updated the script to generate concentric polygons and to colour the sectors...
Hello, I've written a small Javascript script to make grouped polygon and circle sectors for use in Inkscape. I wrote it to save me time when making certain shapes for a project. It can also make some nice flower / ferris wheel images if the arc value is set to less than the circle radius. Pretty ba...
I managed to solve this problem for myself: I am using inkscape 0.48.1 with windows 7 64 bit ultimate. I installed uniconverter from ( uniconvertor-1.1.5-win32.msi ) and then copied two files : C:\Program Files ...