@jabiertxof: Video editing software is the only software I'd pay for, because there is no serious alternative right now... I also use Blende a lot, but for 2d Animation, its easier and way more effective to use After Affects. @hulf2012: The Graphics are mapped on planes and the camera is set to orto...
Hey There, I just want to present you our Game "Don't Fry The Fly" wich is now available in th Google Play Store :) All the Graphics where made in Inkscape, the Game itself was programmed in Unity. I also made a Trailer, wich was animated in After Effects and also uses Graphics made in Ink...
Sorry for my late reply, thanks for your feedback. @ Flandrigan: Like Baldskull said, you should export your images as pngs. But i wouldnt use "save as", I would use "export bitmap". You simply select the objects you want to export and set the height and width, choose a folder an...
Thanks for your replies! @brynn: I dont had to make every frame in Inkscape like in a gif, I made some basic movements (like the walkcycles) and exportet them as pngs. In after effects I looped the walkcycle and moved the guy around. I also made some stretching etc. in after effects. The sun for exa...
hello everybody, I wanted to show you the graphics of a game I made last year. All of the ingame and interface graphics are made in Inkscape. For the trailer I also used Blender.
this is my first post in this forum. I made a short animated film, the whole graphics are made in inkscape and I animated them in Adobe After Effects. Here is the link: http://vimeo.com/52789458