Congrats I'm actually working on a catalogue for a company, that makes concrete building profiles. It's completely done in Scribus though, so I won't post it here
there is a new tool called eraser in developer snaphots. it can erase whole objects just by touching them, or (in the second mode) it can erase parts of objects just like any other eraser tool known from other programs. this way it can also be used as a knife tool in certain situations.
That's a sweet layout. I assume those balls aren't vector? Thanks :) No, those discoballs is actually image of a single ball, placed in clipping path and the copied and transformed. Nice job. What fonts do you use for the poster? Main font is Myriad Pro. Bud I can't remember the other font names :o...
I always use Scribus when I need to print something with these steps: -export as plain SVG -separately export effects as PNGs -convert PNG to CMYK TIFF using Gimp and Separate+ plugin -finally import all that pieces together in Scribus and export as PDF. If Inkscape could properly export PDF with CM...
This is a poster I made for a discobar in Slovakia. It's basically a template. I only change the left side of the poster every week, depending on the type of event. This is completely done in Inkscape.
Hi there :) Very good start as I can see. Keep up the good work and show us some pages from the magazine. I'm using Inkscape and Scribus (and Gimp too) for my work too. Although I'm using Vista because some apps I use for engineering are not working in linux, all my apps for graphic design are open ...