Search found 20 matches

by Starchy
Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:34 pm
Forum: Tricks & Tutorials
Topic: Picture in a Picture tutorial
Replies: 3
Views: 2885

Re: Picture in a Picture tutorial

Thanks syllie, I'll check it on GIMP. I'm not to familiar with GIMP but will try it.
by Starchy
Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:20 pm
Forum: Tricks & Tutorials
Topic: Picture in a Picture tutorial
Replies: 3
Views: 2885

Re: Picture in a Picture tutorial

This is what I made in Inkscape after scratching around.
by Starchy
Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:25 pm
Forum: Tricks & Tutorials
Topic: Picture in a Picture tutorial
Replies: 3
Views: 2885

Picture in a Picture tutorial

I have notes on the tutorial but after searching and searching I can't fine it.
It uses "Raster" if that helps. Will someone please direct me to it ? Thanks
by Starchy
Thu May 21, 2009 7:41 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Effects>Color>.....
Replies: 7
Views: 2982

Re: Effects>Color>.....

Thanks brynn for your reply. Yes, I'm using Effects>Color and tried many of the options listed. From your questions, I determined that an image/photo that is imported, having color, will not change with any of the options. I drew a rectangle, filled it with color and every applicable option changed ...
by Starchy
Wed May 20, 2009 9:53 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Effects>Color>.....
Replies: 7
Views: 2982

Re: Effects>Color>.....

I'm running VISTA Home Premium, do not receive error messages and when I have the image selected...I would try any/all of the options and get a large "blackboard" up in left corner and then something smaller would flash, then the image quivers and nothing happens. I have tried .bitmap, .jp...
by Starchy
Tue May 19, 2009 9:47 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Effects>Color>.....
Replies: 7
Views: 2982


I have version 0.46 and I can't get any type of color selection
to work. Can anyone help me with this. Thanks, Starchy
by Starchy
Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:04 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Using the Bezier Tool
Replies: 5
Views: 3744

Re: Using the Bezier Tool

Thanks brynn and rfquerin for your instructions and information. I do find it easier like you describe rather than trying to follow the manual instructions. Glad to know that I'm not the only one having trouble with the Bezier tool. It's a very useful tool and will keep practicing using it. Thanks ...
by Starchy
Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:49 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Using the Bezier Tool
Replies: 5
Views: 3744

Re: Using the Bezier Tool

Thanks EarlyBlake, Episode 069 shows outlining an image with straight lines.. my problem is creating a smooth curve by knowing when to left click and drag, going back to end node, if you click and left drag .. create a handle...WOW !!! Confuses this little brain. I get everything but a smooth curve...
by Starchy
Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:45 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Using the Bezier Tool
Replies: 5
Views: 3744

Using the Bezier Tool

I am new to Inkscape and having a difficult time learning how to use the Bezier Tool.
I have tried following the instructions in the manual but just can't get the hang of it.
Can anyone point me to a Video Tutorial on using the tool or any other instructions? Thanks.
by Starchy
Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:19 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Unable to change font.
Replies: 3
Views: 1374

Re: Unable to change font.

I'm running Windows Vista and using version 0.46 and just discovered yesterday that Fonts can now be changed with clicking "A" in tool box, then selecting font, and it will stay. Then can change as you wish without going to Text. Drop-down even shows what the Font looks like. Also, change...
by Starchy
Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:34 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Inkscape Tutorial by heathenx: Webbing
Replies: 4
Views: 1699

Re: Inkscape Tutorial by heathenx: Webbing

Thanks prkos for helping me. This time I did File>Default resetting Inkscape back to default, then worked through it, and made it complete !!! I'm new to Inkscape and see many settings left over from the previous tutorials...even after closing down and re-opening...many settings are remembered. I th...
by Starchy
Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:53 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Inkscape Tutorial by heathenx: Webbing
Replies: 4
Views: 1699

Re: Inkscape Tutorial by heathenx: Webbing

Thanks heathenx, I walked through (without grouping) and made it perfect. I deleted everything and tried to do the webb without following your tutorial and when I get to the point of selecting the whole image to duplicate it I get the following image with all the dotted lines in it...course this doe...
by Starchy
Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:31 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Inkscape Tutorial by heathenx: Webbing
Replies: 4
Views: 1699

Inkscape Tutorial by heathenx: Webbing

In the tutorial...Inkscape Tutorial by heathenx: Webbing...I'm having a problem getting the Interpolate to work. I've tried some 10 times, following the tutorial every second. First, I have to group before duplicating, then I try selecting all in order to get the small webb selected, but the interpo...
by Starchy
Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:33 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Prespective...losing the quadrilateral
Replies: 6
Views: 3284

Re: Prespective...losing the quadrilateral

Thanks Slow Dog, I didn't think about trying the reverse. The UTube tutorial and manual really specified that text first, then quadrilateral. I think the man on UTube said he was using v .45. I have .46 which I'm sure you have. Seems during the update that something jumped the track between actual u...
by Starchy
Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:00 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Prespective...losing the quadrilateral
Replies: 6
Views: 3284

Prespective...losing the quadrilateral

I've watched the tutorial on UTube and read the manual regarding Prespective. I'm new to Inkscape. I set my text to path and make sure the quadrilateral is a path, draw from bottom left corner, then clockwise, select the quadrilateral first, then shift-select text, go to Effects>Modify Path>Prespeti...
by Starchy
Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:16 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Changing 4-digit number in Defined Grids
Replies: 2
Views: 1069

Re: Changing 4-digit number in Defined Grids

Thanks microUgly, I thought it had something to do with the grid setting.
by Starchy
Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:17 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Changing 4-digit number in Defined Grids
Replies: 2
Views: 1069

Changing 4-digit number in Defined Grids

I'm a newbie and would like to know how to change the 4-digit number in Defined Grids. I go to File>Document Properties>Grids>click New and my Inkscaper default number is 2383. I was following a tutorial that had a different number here. I tried clicking on New several time and the number would incr...
by Starchy
Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:12 am
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Selecting text font (with preview)
Replies: 4
Views: 2138

Re: Selecting text font (with preview)

Thanks TOMasCRUZ for your help. Weird thing is if you click on the Text tool> go to canvas>click on Text tool again the "!" icon pops up beside the font and says something like Inkscape does not have this font in it's program, but yet, it will use it !!! This is a bug problem for sure. Som...
by Starchy
Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:24 pm
Forum: Help with using Inkscape
Topic: Selecting text font (with preview)
Replies: 4
Views: 2138

Re: Selecting text font (with preview)

I am new to Inkscape. I have Windows Vista Home Preimum. Trying to change the Font I can double click it but when I go to work changes back to the default. I've searched and searched for the solution but seems there is a bug with 0.46 version. Did change the Font by Text>Text & Font>se...

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