How to create knobs with symmetric annulus

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How to create knobs with symmetric annulus

Postby Polli » Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:42 am

I'm trying to find a comfortable way to create a symmetric annulus for a knob (see example picture). I bet there's a quick solution but unfortunately I'm not to experienced with Inkscape. My approach would be to create several fractions of a circle and place them around my center knob. But this is annoying and not as flexible as I want it to be. Another method could be to divide a ring into several pieces. But how to achieve that without a lot a manual work? Thank you for any hint.


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Re: How to create knobs with symmetric annulus

Postby brynn » Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:35 pm

There's probably a more scientific or technical way to do this. But I'm wondering if simply drawing a circle with a dashed line would work? You'd have to experiment a bit, to get the right number of dashes (technically arcs, I guess), and rotate to get them in the right position. But it might work?

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Re: How to create knobs with symmetric annulus

Postby prkos » Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:30 pm

Wow using a dashed stroke on circle is a brilliant idea! Set the stroke width to be similar to dash width, and set stroke miters to be round.

Another way is to use clones. Create one "light" on the side of the knob, and drag it's rotation center outside, to the center of the knob. Then use Create Tiled clones... option, 1 row, 15 columns, Shift X per Column -100% (this is because Inkscape creates clones one next to each other but you need yours on top of one another), Rotation per Column 15°, leave the rest of the options intact. Hit Create :)
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Re: How to create knobs with symmetric annulus

Postby Polli » Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:11 am

Awesome, guys! The dotted circles are fantastic. And the clone way allows additional flexibility that is needed for alternative annulus designs. I'm supersold by your solutions. Thanks! :-)

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