Inkscape & Scribus : your workflow ?

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Inkscape & Scribus : your workflow ?

Postby mediaklan » Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:08 am

Hi everyone ! I have some experience with Inkscape, but I'm quite new to Scribus. I have no issue using Inkscape and quite love to use the app. The thing is, if I could have worked on the two sides of the business card I'm creating for a friend, directly within Inkscape, I would never have the use to learn Scribus (which is a pity, it seems to be quite a great app too ^^).
Now, the issue is I'm struggling (a lot) to get these two great apps to work together without my work being messed up pretty bad. SVG import inside scribus is NO WAY (always ends up ultra messy) but it sure would have been the easiest way to get things done. The business card is going to get printed on a Canon Offset printer (and i was asked to use ICC Web Coated SWOP 2 profile), so I need some reliable way to pdf export my work for prepress.
So here's the question finally since I figure I should ask people who're already quite used to these two apps ^^ :
What is YOUR workflow and how do YOU work with these two apps to get a professional result ?
I really need your advices on this and I'm willing to try whatever you throw at me ^^
Thanks in advance for your help !

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