The road to 0.47

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The road to 0.47

Postby microUgly » Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:07 pm

Recently reported on
Following announcement about our participation at Google Summer of Code 2009 we declare that we are beginning to wrap up to release long anticipated 0.47 version of Inkscape.

Here is the current plan
  1. Chill phase (in progress). Development focuses on wrapping up with no further refactoring. We identify 'make distcheck' issues, triage bug reports, run an About Screen contest (more on that soon) and create a draft of Release Notes, then update tutorials and other docs.
  2. Frost phase (May 1, 2009). Most development is complete. Release Notes should be >90% filled in. Bug Hunt: 500 points. We also post inkscape-0.47-alpha.tar.gz
  3. Feature Freeze (May 15, 2009). There will be no further development work and all features that can't be finished in time will be disabled. We focus on critical bug fixing, finalize all tutorials, docs, etc., we finalize all extensions. Translators do their work too. Inkscape must pass 'make distcheck'. We upload inkscape-0.47-beta.tar.gz
  4. Hard freeze (May 25, 2009). Only release wardens can commit to mainline. We focus on release-critical bug fixing, finish translations, release notes etc. Packagers test creating pkgs of the -beta release. We upload inkscape-0.47-rc1.tar.gz
  5. Branch (June 5, 2009). We establish the stable branch for release and complete any late-late-late work, also do final verification of packaging, release notes, docs, etc. and publish more release candidates until it's ready for releasing. We also plan 0.47.1+ release(s), if it's required.
  6. Release. We upload inkscape-0.47.tar.gz and builds for various systems on June 15, 2009 and post official announcements.

Any help much appreciated!

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Re: The road to 0.47

Postby brynn » Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:53 pm

I can't believe how fast Inkscape is developed!
Great work, guys!


Re: The road to 0.47

Postby Quiche » Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:23 am

Looking forward to it! So May 1st, maybe we'll have a good nightly build for Ubuntu? I was enjoying the nifty new features (love the triangle in/out, ellipse on the line tools!) :tool_pen: :tool_pencil: on Vista with the Win32 nightly builds, now running a dual boot of Ubuntu, and haven't booted up Vista since, and the Jaunty nightly build on Launchpad crashed on me using either the freehand or line tool :( Someone please alert me (on DeviantART), if I don't catch it first, if a good working nightly build gets posted. Thank you!

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Re: The road to 0.47

Postby dmatho » Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:56 am

is this the day (post above, #6) we get to download Inkscape 0.47?

Hope so, thanks!


- Diego -

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Re: The road to 0.47

Postby prokoudine » Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:53 pm

dmatho wrote:Hi
is this the day (post above, #6) we get to download Inkscape 0.47?

Only the prerelease. The final release is postponed. — news and tutorials on free design software

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