For example, when colouring with the

After I am done I have to manually select a fill object, then do "select same fill color" and then do "path>union"
so If say I wanted to make this a single command and map it to a keyboard shortcut- how do I go about doing that?
And if we have to go even further- if it was a more advanced script, selecting multiple color fills with different colors, then executing select same and then path>union on them per an individual color.
I am guessing that inkscape needs to first get the selected object's fill color code, then select all objects with that same code and merge them (union). However I have no idea how to call these commands. Is there a way to find that out by just using them in inkscape. I wish there was a debug terminal of some sort - where we can see it in action and then use the information.
Macros have been a long requested feature, but to my information nobody has written an implementation so far.