Transferring image to MS Word

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Transferring image to MS Word

Postby Gedep » Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:05 am

Hi there,

I created a image in Inkscape and I'm trying to transfer it to MS Word. I tried several things:

- When I just selected the entire image and than copy-pasted it to MS Word, I get a blurry result.
- I tried saving it as a wmf-file, but that results in a crash of Python.exe. I read about this in another thread, but I didn't understand it (to technical for me :roll: )
- I tried saving it as a emf-file. This does work, however the image is displayed in MS Word smaller than I drew the image. In Inkscape the document is 16,08 cm wide and 13,42 cm high. When I import the emf-file in MS Word, it is displayed 12,07 cm wide and 10,08 cm high.

Am I'm doing something wrong? Rookie here :roll:

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Re: Transferring image to MS Word

Postby druban » Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:09 pm

have you tried saving as svg and just importing it in word? What platform are you on?
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Re: Transferring image to MS Word

Postby Mathieu147 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:24 pm


Druban I'm not sur Word can display SVG files. Maybe the latest version can? I'm not sure.

To insert a picture into a document, I would export it first to a PNG file (File → Export). If this document is meant to be printed, be sure to select a resolution of 300dpi.

I use Inkscape 0.48 on Ubuntu 12.04.
English is not my natural language so excuse my mistakes.

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Re: Transferring image to MS Word

Postby brynn » Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:16 pm

I know that other people have had trouble with Inkscape and Word, because I remember seeing a couple of other topics about it. I don't think a solution has been found, although I haven't followed the issue closely (or tried it myself).

The difference in size, with the EMF, is probably due to different native resolutions of Inkscape vs Word. But since EMF is a vector format, you should be able to enlarge the image within Word, without pixelation. At least in theory, lol.

Is there some reason why the image needs to be in a vector format? Because I'm sure a PNG could easily be inserted or imported, or whatever Word uses. And Inkscape easily produces a PNG with File menu > Export Bitmap. Also using the Export Bitmap dialog, you can overcome the resolution issue, by changing the DPI.

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Re: Transferring image to MS Word

Postby Gedep » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:40 am

- I'm on a Windows 7 64-bits platform.
- Indeed resizing the emf-file does the trick.

@Mathieu147 and @brynn
I tried PGN-export, but it was very blurry. However I hadn't noticed that I could set the resolution. Gonna try that to.

I can't import svg in MS Word. Too bad, that's something for MS to fix, I think.

Thanks for the help

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Re: Transferring image to MS Word

Postby Mathieu147 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:24 pm

Th emf file will certainly be better for simple drawings (like diagrams) because it's a vector format, so your file will probably be smaller and you will be able to resize it to the size you want. But for complex drawings (with gradients, filters, blur, etc.) maybe you should use to export to PNG because it will keep all the features correct. Just be sur to set a correct resolution.

I use Inkscape 0.48 on Ubuntu 12.04.
English is not my natural language so excuse my mistakes.

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