WHich operation is needed?

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WHich operation is needed?

Postby lolli » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:08 am

I have an svg with a square and some text on top of it. The text is repeating and is supposed to look cut off where the square ends.
Whih operation do I need to perform in order to cut off the text at the edges of the square?
I have attched an exmple of what I have right now.
Thank you very much for your help.
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Re: WHich operation is needed?

Postby Lazur » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:54 am


Clipping can be the most handy on this one.

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Re: WHich operation is needed?

Postby rhysun » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:59 am

OK, this is how I would do this... let me think!

1. Select the text block and convert to paths (Path > Object to Path).

2. Ungroup the converted text.

3. Combine the individual letters into a single path object (Path > Combine).

4. Duplicate the rectangle (Ctrl-D) - the duplicate will be destroyed in the last step!

5. Convert the duplicated rectangle into a path object (Path > Object to path) - because the last step won't work with a rectangle object.

6. Select the text and the converted rectangle and intersect (Path > Intersection).

I hope this works for you!

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Re: WHich operation is needed?

Postby z3z » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:15 am

I don't think you even need to bother messing about with the text (at least, not on my version.)

From the file supplied, I ungrouped everything first, then clicked on the blue rectangle and pressed Ctrl+D to duplicate. The duplicate will appear on top of all other objects.

With the new blue rectangle still selected, hold down shift and click on the text that's sticking out at the edge. You now have two objects selected.

Go to Path menu, then click on Intersection, and that should do it.

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Re: WHich operation is needed?

Postby lolli » Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:33 pm

Hi, thanks for your suggestions but none of them really worked...clipping does not result in the achived effect(the square will disappear and the text is turning blue).
And with the other two suggestions, the text will get cut off, but tthe size of the text will still reach across the border of the square and I nedd the document to start exactly at the edges of the sqaure(it will be used on web and I need a square image). Do you know how to "crop" the text now?

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Re: WHich operation is needed?

Postby Lazur » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:15 pm

Oh well...

  1. duplicate or clone rectangle (Ctrl+D or Alt+D)
  2. select text AND clone/duplicant (path/geometric object/whatever) above it
    (based on z-order, so that the clipping object already hides part of the object to be clipped;
    Shift+Click on a visible part orShift+Alt+Click on a hidden part)
  3. set clipping

Crop tool is non-existent in vector terms.

For resizing the page to content, use the document's settings (Shift+Ctrl+D)
If borders are set right you don't even need clipping.

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