How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

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How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

Postby turquoise » Fri May 14, 2010 10:54 pm

When moving an object snapping to another object works perfectly. I would like to rotate an object and be able to snap to another object. For example I have an object which I want to be rotated two specific nodes are straight up and down. I can click on an object twice then move the center of rotation to one of the nodes. While rotating the object there is no snapping to other nodes or a guide line. This same problem can also be described as I have two paths and each path has a straight segment. How can I rotate on of them so the straight segments will snap?

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Re: How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

Postby prkos » Sat May 15, 2010 2:19 am

You can use Ctrl to snap to predefined angles, you can adjust the angle in preferences.

There's already a request for snapping with roatiing
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Re: How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

Postby turquoise » Sat May 15, 2010 8:39 pm

Thanks. I already use the Ctrl to rotate and snap to regular angles. Thanks for checking that there is a request for this functionality.

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Re: How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

Postby dvlierop » Mon May 24, 2010 7:09 am

When rotating using the selector tool there's no snapping implemented. As a work around you can sometimes use a guide in an intermediate step, because guides do snap while rotating. So first snap the origin of the guide to a first point, then rotate the guide and snap it to the second point, and now snap your object to the guide. But this will not be usefull in all cases of course.

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Re: How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

Postby turquoise » Mon May 24, 2010 11:30 am

Interesting idea but it does not seem to work for me. When rotating an object there does not seem to be a snap to guides. Snapping to guides works for me when moving or skewing an object. Thanks anyway.

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Re: How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

Postby dvlierop » Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:24 am

As of revision #9607, Inkscape will also snap while rotating (using the selector tool). For those who don't want to test our development builds, this feature will be included in the v0.49 release.

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Re: How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

Postby druban » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:15 am

dvlierop wrote:As of revision #9607, Inkscape will also snap while rotating ...

i have often missed this feature and am glad to hear it is out there - but - rev #9596 is the latest one i can find!!! Is there a link to #9607 that you can post or is this a revision as yet unavailable???
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Re: How to rotate a path and snap to the node of another path?

Postby dvlierop » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:02 pm

You're right, we haven't seen any recent development build for the past two weeks. Don't know what the cause is though, but just keep a close watch on They should start appearing soon again. If you cannot wait that long then in the meantime you'll have to compile inkscape yourself.

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