I mostly do Interface design for applications with logos and web design also.

There's a lot more to show.
http://www.diagram.ly <-- all the icons in this application were done in Inkscape.
brynn wrote:Wow, yes, excellent work!
I really like the sculptris logo/icon -- very creative!
brynn wrote:Also the 2nd one from top, with brush options. Those circular setting controls are just incredible!!
brynn wrote:Hey, you should come up with some gui examples for Inkscape! (If you haven't already...)
brynn wrote:Not that I dislike Inkscape's interface, I'd just be interested to see what you might create
marydonata wrote:Nice logos and images!
marydonata wrote:Inkscape is a great program, really!
marydonata wrote:And you are very clever, indeed!
RM. wrote:So you are the one who created sculptris and mypaint logos?? Love both of programs, specially mypaint!
Good job!
*so envy* XD
brynn wrote:Oh gosh, Sean, I'm so embarassed
brynn wrote: -- I never did see your reply to mine, in your message about improving the gradient "editor"When I was thinking about you doing some work on Inkscape's interface, I was hoping for some of those cool circular button thingies, lol! But perhaps Inkscape doesn't really have any use for them. I expect they take up space, and I suspect Inkscape's interface is meant to allow for as much canvas area as possible. Anyway, I'll go read and reply to that earlier message now