Stick gradient to object

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Stick gradient to object

Postby fenixproductions » Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:48 am

Hi all.

I am looking for a way to stick gradient to object.

Normally, when I create (ex.) circle and set it filled with gradient it looks OK. But when I move my circle, gradient lines stays on the same place in document.
Such behaviour annoys me because each action (sizing, rotation, etc.) produces improper results and I always have to correct gradients' lines manually for dozen of objects.

Is there a way to prevent that and have gradients "glued together" with shapes?

I've tried to find solution for this problem but without any results.

Thank you very much in advance.

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Re: Stick gradient to object

Postby prkos » Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:01 am

There is a button on the Selector toolbar that control that. Select the Select tool :tool_selector: and look on the right hand side of the toolbar under label Affect:, the third button must be pressed to carry the gradient with the object move.

If you have time to spare check out the manual and the guide from my sig ;)
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Re: Stick gradient to object

Postby fenixproductions » Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:05 am

Thanks, man.

I did read read your manual and I am ashamed now :oops:

Sometimes the easiest solutions are the hardest to find. I cannot simply believe how I couldn't see that so many times.

Thank you very much once again.

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Re: Stick gradient to object

Postby prkos » Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:27 am

Those aren't mine, they are made by others, very hard members of the Inkscape community :) I just dare to link to them :D

The guide helped me a lot when I was starting so I recommend them to everyone (manual hadn't been written yet at that time).

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