I appreciate comments and criticisms.

turquoise wrote:hi,
Very good indeed. Much much better than I can create. Perhaps the mouth may be too wide and the very ends of the mouth usually have a bit of shadow from a little bit of the cheek. The gradient on the white of the eyeballs goes from a very dark to a very light and that seems to cause the eyes to bulge like they are coming out of the eye sockets too much so bit less gradient in that place may be nicer. I like how you have chosen what should remain in sharp focus and what should be in a soft focus
llogg wrote:The detail on the hair is phenomenal. I have no problem with the mouth, but I do echo the sentiment about the eye bulging. I think it may be the shadow beneath the eye more than the gradient on the eye itself, though. Still, fantastic work, congrats on your skill.
Lillie wrote:I think the stuff you do is amazing.
Can I ask, How do you do hair?
I have been trying with interpolation, and I end up with thousands of paths, but it still don't look right.
Yours looks like hair, so if it's not a trade secret or something, can you give me a hint?
The tutorials that I looked at were
http://www.google.com/translate?u=http% ... en&ie=UTF8 This one uses interpolation, I didn't try this one too thoroughly.
http://chrisdesign.wordpress.com/2007/1 ... ing-hairs/ - This is the one that looks decent on black hair, but still if you look at the hair ends, it is a little strange. Uses the pattern along path. I think this is the best way to make hair without a tablet.
http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL ... Paths.html - Not the exact one, but uses the stitch sub-paths technique