Arched text

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Arched text

Postby Gopherit » Tue May 19, 2015 6:18 pm

I have used Inkscape for about 7 years - about 2x a year, with good results. However, on this one I am stumped.
I am trying to create arched text, like the 2nd example in this pic from the forums:
logo-arched-text-1.png (44.1 KiB) Viewed 3242 times

I have used the method that produces the 1st example in that picwith the same results - the text is distorted vertically. I have spent hours trying to make the other method work (create text, object to path, create shape using bezier lines, Extensions/Modify Path/Envelope) with zero success. Either the result is unmodified text, as the 2nd pic or I get a very strange result if I use a shape created by combining a box and an ellipse.

Failed-ExtensionEnvelope.png (122.85 KiB) Viewed 3242 times

Failed-ExtensionEnvelope2.png (106.81 KiB) Viewed 3242 times

It seems to me that creating text and then "inserting" it into a created shape should be a common function easy to achieve - but I have read discussions going back to 2007 and it still seems difficult.

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Re: Arched text

Postby hulf2012 » Wed May 20, 2015 3:56 am

About the envelope extension: ... s-Envelope

But it's limited about the deforming path. It has to be 4 corners, following a direction and beginning from the left - I'm not sure if at the bottom or at the top.

About the Envelope deformation ... ation.html

But, when I use it, I end up fighting to get the wanted results.

I recommend to divide your text in 3, and use the envelope extension using 3 deforming paths. One for the left, other for the center, and other for the right.
If you have problems:
1.- Post a sample (or samples) of your file please.
2.- Please check here:
3.- If you manage to solve your problem, please post here your solution.

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Re: Arched text

Postby brynn » Wed May 20, 2015 3:59 pm

Yeah, that's one thing that seems very hard to accomplish with Inkscape. The Envelope Deform path effect will work, if you only bend the bottom path a tiny bit. But bending as much as in your example, causes distortion far away from where you want it.

I'd probably use node sculpting. I would start with the text at the full size, and then shrink the bottom middle part upwards (rather than starting small, and dragging the outer parts downward.

1 - Type text
2 - Path menu > Object to path
3 - Ungroup
4 - Path menu > Combine
5 - Select roughly the bottom 3/4 of all the nodes
6 - Drab a node at the bottom near the center and drag upwards

You'll see how it works, and then you can tweak it, to get just right. But it's not easy to do. I wish Inkscape had a tool to do that.

I'm not sure what hulf means, about dividing the text in 3.

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Re: Arched text

Postby Espermaschine » Thu May 21, 2015 12:15 am

there is a video by heathenX that shows a workaround for said effect

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Re: Arched text

Postby Lazur » Thu May 21, 2015 5:01 am

I do remember a topic here, covering exactly the same thing.
Was that a deck or cigarette box decoration, with blue over white, with "legend" (?) lettering, where I attached a file saying "semprini"?

Just cannot find it, but who knows, others can tell better.

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Re: Arched text

Postby brynn » Fri May 22, 2015 2:30 am

I remember an old topic too, which I think had a solution. But I can't remember enough to be able to search it out. Hhmmm.....

I tried some searching with "arch" but didn't find it.

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Re: Arched text

Postby Lazur » Sun Jun 07, 2015 2:47 am


Here it was:

some tags for the future:
envelope, bézier envelope, legend, semprini, LPE, live path effect

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Re: Arched text

Postby brynn » Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:10 pm

Unless I missed it, here's a link to find that Bezier Envelope extension (which is not the same thing as Extensions menu > Modify Path > Envelope) ... (since the heathenx link seems to be dead)

And this could be helpful with the Bezier Envelope extension: ... xtwarpink/

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