How to copy color AND gradient to another object?

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How to copy color AND gradient to another object?

Postby stana » Fri May 28, 2010 1:25 am

Looking through this great forum I find that Ctrl-Shift-V copies objects' color to another object.

Is it possible to also copy a gradient (at the same time or separately) from one object to another?

I have some similar objects, to which I would like to apply the same color fill AND gradient.

Why not copy the object itself? Because I do not know how to move copied objects to the exact place old objects(ones which I would like to apply the color and gradient) are.
Thus, just copying color and gradient seems easier and more logical.

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Re: How to copy color AND gradient to another object?

Postby tomh » Sat May 29, 2010 4:38 am

When you use ctrl+shift+v on a gradient fill object it does copy the gradient, it is just that it does not move the gradient handles form the old location. If you use the gradient tool you can relocate the gradient to match the new objects location

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Re: How to copy color AND gradient to another object?

Postby stana » Mon May 31, 2010 6:42 pm

Tom thanks for help!

I see what you mean now, if I make a simple rectangle A, fill it with a color and make a two part vertical linear gradient, then make another rectangle B to the right and a little bit higher vertically then Shift-Ctrl-V into new square, I can clearly see how the B has a copy of original gradient handles at the same point where original handles were.

(hosted on

The handles one sees in the picture are from the right side rectangle B.

Question now becomes, how do I move the handles to the correct position on the new object?

If I move the new object, the new gradient handles moves with it, which they should.
Thus, I move the object to a nice empty space, and the handles are to the left of the object. How can I move them without distortion into correct position? I tried :tool_gradient: and :tool_selector: with no luck. I can use :tool_gradient: to stretch handles into the object, but that is no good, I might, as well make new handles then...

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Re: How to copy color AND gradient to another object?

Postby tomh » Mon May 31, 2010 11:57 pm

You can hold down shift and select both end handles, then move the gradient about without changing its length.

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