Exported PDF Issues

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Exported PDF Issues

Postby oswaldasmith » Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:48 am

Greetings from Jamaica, fellow lovers of Inkscape!

I'm a graphic designer, and I'm creating my logo and business card in Inkscape. My problem is that after designing the business card, and duplicating so that 10 fit on the page, the resulting pdf doesn't print well at my relative's workplace (Trying to save a little money...). Some characters are missing...different characters from different cards.

So I imported the card design into Scribus, and thought "Aha, I've got you now!" I was happy, since Scribus allows CMYK overprinting, and my business card uses a "rich black" background. But alas, although the PDF produced by Scribus was excellent, the black was even duller than the Inkscape-produced print, and the grays faint.

I tried to export to EPS, but the transparency was lost, so that's out. My question is this: If I used something besides Cairo PDF (such as svg2pdf) would this solve my problem? And why is the Scribus print dark?

To the Inkscape team, thanks for a wonderful product!!

God bless you all.

EDIT: I just realized that svg2pdf uses the Cairo library...so it's out. Do newer versions of Cairo support compressed PDF? If so, Could I replace the cairo dll inkscape uses with a newer version?

BTW, I'm using Inkscape 0.46 on XP SP2

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Re: Exported PDF Issues

Postby microUgly » Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:10 am

oswaldasmith wrote:the resulting pdf doesn't print well at my relative's workplace (Trying to save a little money...). Some characters are missing...different characters from different cards.

Technically, if the PDF look exactly the same on screen as it does when printed. If it doesn't then it's probably not Inkscapes fault, but something else causing the problem. Having said that, you might be able to get arround missing characters by converting all text to objects in Inkscape before saving as PDF.

I can't explain your colour issues.

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Re: Exported PDF Issues

Postby oswaldasmith » Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:23 pm

Thanks, I'll create some swatches in Scribus and Inkscape and let you know. I suspect it's the printer.

God bless you.

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