how can I print a page?

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how can I print a page?

Postby matelot » Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:09 am

I have just drawn a layout diagram of a veroboard circuit and want to print it.
When I press print all I get is a blank page out of the printer?
What am I doing wrong?

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Re: how can I print a page?

Postby brynn » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:43 am

Well, Inkscape indeed seems to be weak when it comes to print support. I know there are some bugs with some HP printers. But you haven't provided much info, so it would be hard to say if a bug is your problem.

Would you please tell us your Inkscape version and operating system. Also what kind of printer.

When you press print, you should be getting some kind of dialog about print preferences, as far as I know. If you're not getting that, maybe you don't have the printer connected properly?

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Re: how can I print a page?

Postby ragstian » Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:15 am


Try saving your page as PDF - (in addition to SVG). Print the PDF file by using Adobe Acrobat Reader or something similar.

What are you making on the Veroboard? Shareable? Can we see please? Have you made your own components "library"?

Good Luck!
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Re: how can I print a page?

Postby matelot » Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:14 am

Thanks brynn,
Yes the printer is a hp deskjet f380. I get the pages I usually get but when I confirm print all that happens is the printer spits out a page with nothing on it.
The inkscape version is 0.48.
Later I discovered that if I press the print on the file pull down I get a box with two headings, if I open up the other heading, rendering, and click on the button 'bitmap' instead of 'vector' it prints fine.
Thanks ragstian, I turned it into a PDF but didn't try to print it as I have a copy now - see above.
I have enclosed an attachment but it is only a layout diagram of a delay circuit for building onto a veroboard.
Thanks guys.
delay board.pdf
(38.38 KiB) Downloaded 155 times

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Re: how can I print a page?

Postby ragstian » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:15 am

Good Luck!
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