Testing Blur Profiles effects

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ivan louette
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Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby ivan louette » Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:49 am

I tried to reproduce Xara feather effect on vector shapes with some results here on lines.


Check the two last numbers entered in the "Color Matrix" Filter Primitive and change them. The first positive one must allways be greater than the second negative one.

However at the moment I didn't find the solution to apply that feathering to shapes or lines filled with images or patterns because that blurs them too and what I want is blurring the outside only (or not exactly blurring : I would say apply a progressive transparency to the edges).



Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby tomh » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:24 am

Hi, I think the answer (or at least one method to do it) came up when blur was first implemented. there may be a better way to do it now / all filters method, but this should get you started. have a look at number 6 on the Blur tips post:
6. If an object has a fill that you don't want to blur (e.g. pattern,
or if it's a bitmap), but you want to feather its edges, use blurred
transparency mask: copy the object; paint it white; blur it as needed;
scale the blurred copy down so its blur margins are entirely within
the original object; select both the original and the blurred mask; do
Object > Mask > Set.

ivan louette
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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby ivan louette » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:58 am

Wow ! thanks for the tip and the link !


ivan louette
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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby ivan louette » Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:27 pm

tomh wrote:Hi, I think the answer (or at least one method to do it) came up when blur was first implemented. there may be a better way to do it now / all filters method, but this should get you started. have a look at number 6 on the Blur tips post:
6. If an object has a fill that you don't want to blur (e.g. pattern,
or if it's a bitmap), but you want to feather its edges, use blurred
transparency mask: copy the object; paint it white; blur it as needed;
scale the blurred copy down so its blur margins are entirely within
the original object; select both the original and the blurred mask; do
Object > Mask > Set.

This masking method works very well ! Thanks a lot !!!




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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby EarlyBlake » Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:13 pm

Did you do those blurs in you first with a filter or the fill and stroke menu?

ivan louette
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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby ivan louette » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:57 pm

For the first one I add a blur with the fill and stroke menu and then I went to the Object/Filter Effects window and add some turbulence there to this blur which was already listed as a filter in this window (blur is allways a SVG Filter effect ; however the number entered in the Fill and Stroke menu is never identical to the one see afterwards in the Filter Effect Windows, I don't know why).

For the second effect I only applied one of the prebuild Filter Effects contained in the file in my first post of this thread and eventually change one of the Composite Primitive to XOR.



Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby tomh » Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:28 am

The scale used in the filter effects duologue corresponds to the value that is stored in the filter (standard deviations) whereas it was decided that blur with a sd of 100 is actually not that helpful, so the scale in the fill and stroke diologue uses something different.... cant remember what now though (or find out where it got mentioned...

ivan louette
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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby ivan louette » Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:40 am

tomh wrote:The scale used in the filter effects duologue corresponds to the value that is stored in the filter (standard deviations) whereas it was decided that blur with a sd of 100 is actually not that helpful, so the scale in the fill and stroke diologue uses something different.... cant remember what now though (or find out where it got mentioned...

Thanks ! However at this stage in my investigations that's not a very big problem.


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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby smallking » Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:27 pm

ivan louette wrote:
tomh wrote:Hi, I think the answer (or at least one method to do it) came up when blur was first implemented. there may be a better way to do it now / all filters method, but this should get you started. have a look at number 6 on the Blur tips post:
6. If an object has a fill that you don't want to blur (e.g. pattern,
or if it's a bitmap), but you want to feather its edges, use blurred
transparency mask: copy the object; paint it white; blur it as needed;
scale the blurred copy down so its blur margins are entirely within
the original object; select both the original and the blurred mask; do
Object > Mask > Set.

This masking method works very well ! Thanks a lot !!!

Thanks, as always, for the helpful information!

Thanks for the info.What you said is very correct, i think so.

ivan louette
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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby ivan louette » Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:05 pm

There is a "Feather" filter in 0.47 now. As I thought it was a very often used feature I placed it in ABCs submenu on top of the Filters menu.


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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby Carrozza » Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:43 am

Thank you Ivan!

ivan louette
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Re: Testing Blur Profiles effects

Postby ivan louette » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:44 pm

satishbhawra50 wrote:However at the moment I didn't find the solution to apply that feathering to shapes or lines filled with images or patterns because that

To feather a pattern filled shape or line, make your line or shape white, apply feather to it and place it on top of a bigger quadrangle filled with the pattern you want. Then use your white feathered shape or line as a mask (select all + object/mask/create).

And after doing it you can also group the result (Ctrl+G) and apply a duotone color filter which will add color to your pattern !


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