For some time Tumbleberry and I have been using Inkscape to develop a texture pack for Minecraft, and with increasingly complex art came performance boundaries the 32-bit version of Inkscape isn't optimized to render. Thankfully I discovered Partha's fantastic 64-bit build of Inkscape for Windows. The Illustrator-like theme is a nice change, but it's hard to see the blue icon elements, especially at 1080p.
Thankfully the solution was an easy one. I changed those blue elements to more visible but still consistent colors. Here's an example:

Changing the icons is as simple as copying the modified "icon.svg" into "Program Files/Inkscape 0.48/share/icons/" and loading or reloading Inkscape.
If you'd like the modified SVG, here's the download link:
I hope this can help existing users of Inkscape!